Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-184-200
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: raketofflu@mail.ru
The subject of the article relevance is stipulated by the presence of fundamental possibility of solving the axis of sight stabilization problem of the optical means positioned on the movable base of the unmanned aerial vehicle under conditions of low stabilization accuracy of the gyroscopic platform at rapid u-turns, vibration and aerial vehicles maneuvers.
The purpose of the research of the article consists in accuracy increasing of the axis of sight of optical devices installed on a gyro-stabilized platform of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The object of the study is the optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The subject of the study is the process of objects determining by the optoelectronic system of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The novelty of the research is stipulated by the development and scientific justification of an optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle, as a part of television and thermal imaging information channels, a laser rangefinder-designator, as well as mathematically described method for optical surveillance system stabilizing.
Practical significance lies in application of an unmanned aerial vehicle optical surveillance system for objects capturing and tracking by the operator, as well as for objects automatic capture and tracking.
The article presents a block diagram of the gyroscopic stabilization system, as well as mathematical formulation of the problem of the optical surveillance system stabilization of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The stabilizing method of the optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle for determining objects, which allows independently estimate the speed and angles of departure of the biaxial gyrostabilizer platform based on the information on the nature of the platform stabilization system gyroscopes movement is substantiated. The stabilization problem solution is based on building an asymptotic optimal observer (identifier) of the biaxial gyrostabilizer state variables with incomplete stabilization coupling. It was assumed herewith that the system was under the effect of statistically indeterminate disturbances.
In general, the simulation revealed the possibility of employing the said algorithms to evaluate the initial position of the platform and calibrate systematic components of the platform departures of the biaxial gyrostabilizer under conditions of a movable base.
Further trends of the research are the methods for images informativity increasing for identification and auto-tracking of the target detection objects by the unmanned aerial vehicle optical surveillance system in abnormal conditions associated with periodical images distortions.
three-channel gyro-stabilized optical surveillance system, multipurpose unmanned aerial vehicle, disturbing moments stabilization, vibration accelerometer, Luenberger state identifierReferences
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