Estimation of fly-by-wire emergency servo-control of regional aircraft with account for nonlinear specifics of control surfaces dynamics

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-211-225


Terekhov R. I.

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



The author proposes an innovative option of emergency fly-by-wire servo-control to preserve controllability at both hydraulic systems failure for a prospective regional aircraft with fly-by-wire control system and two hydraulic systems. Two electro-hydraulic servo-actuators (EHSA), fed from the two independent hydraulic systems, and servotab with electromechanical actuator (EMA) are being installed on each main control surface. With both hydraulic systems failure, all EHSAs enter the passive mode (damping mode), and switching to servotabs emergency control occurs. The servotab deflection produces a hinge moment, which in its turn deflects the control surface. The aircraft handling qualities in the servo-control mode should ensure the capability of the safe flight termination.

Mathematical model of the control surface rotation under the impact of the external hinge moment, originating while the servotab control, was developed for computational and test-bench studies with account for the specifics caused by friction and damping effects from the electro-hydraulic servo-actuators operating in passive mode. The damping force value significantly affects the aircraft handling qualities in servotab control mode.

The results of numerical studies revealed that in order to meet the AMC CS-25 25.671(c) requirements for manoeuver capabilities after failures and the MIL-STD-1797 recommendations for maximum allowable phase lag between control stick pilot input and control surface response, the servotab control laws should contain speed-up pre-filters on pilot control signals, pitch rate feedback (elevator servotab control law), roll and yaw rates feedbacks (rudder servotab control law). The emergency servotab control algorithms parameters selecting, ensuring the set requirements meeting at various values of the EHSA damping coefficient, was performed.

To confirm the possibility of the safe flight termination with the selected servotab emergency control law parameters, the test-bench tests on the flight simulator with participation of test pilots were conducted.

The approach and landing tasks with glideslope offset correction and with crosswind Wz = 5 m/s were under study. According to the pilots’ opinions, the aircraft handling qualities in servotab control mode correspond to the Cooper-Harper rating PR=4.5...5. Slight PIO tendency noted mostly in roll channel corresponds to the PIOR=3...3.5. The obtained pilot ratings confirm the correctness of the emergency servotab control algorithm parameters selection and the possibility of the safe flight termination in this mode.


servotab, hinge moment, friction modelling, actuator damping coefficient, control laws, prefilter, pitch damper


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