Metallurgy and Material Science
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-226-244
*, **, , ***Moscow Polytechnic University, 38, Bolshaya Semenovskaya str., Moscow, 107023, Russia
*e-mail: m.a.petrov@mospolytech.ru
**e-mail: a.g.matveev@mospolytech.ru
***e-mail: b.yu.saprykin@mospolytech.ru
Materials forming or forging is being complicated with their development. This complexity concerns the movements that need to be performed by the output link of the machine (press or hammer). Besides the purely translational movement, which was characteristic to the first hammers, as well as the purely rotary movement, which dates back to the time of the first rolling mills (XIX century), forming machines of the early XX century were able to combine translational and rotary movements. This is how the processes of spherical or orbital forming, based on incremental or sector approach, allowing producing the parts of hub and flanges type without the need to employ the equipment of high deforming force, appear. On the other hand, the development of heavy machinery and control systems allows creating presses with mechanical and hydraulic systems that form one or more output links, to apply servo control as well as schemes from robotics and create flexible forming systems. The material flow can be improved by increasing the total deforming volume per time step or the intensity of deformation, for example, by torsion with forging.
As the article shows by the finite element (FE) simulation in the QForm of the “bevel pinion” forging without teeth working out, rotating tools allow:
– Reducing peak deformation force,
– Creating in material media the required thermal characteristic for the material propitious flow;
– Obtaining the shape with specified contour offset from the required geometry;
– Reducing the stress-strain state and tools’ wear.
The 3D geometry of both the tool and the workpiece, boundary conditions setting, corresponding to the technological conditions of process and non-linear characteristic describing of the material hardening in the process of its deforming are being required for numerical simulation. The computations duration depends upon the basic computing duration and duration of the problems being additionally solved, such as simulation of the stress-strain state of the forming tools. In other words, numerical simulation by the finite element method depends on the number of equations of the system being solved in the mesh points, which number is being determined depending on the degrees of freedom, characterizing the actuator movement, as well as rheological description of materials.
cold massive forming, orbital forming, incremental forming, forming with torsion, forging tools design, AW-6082, numerical modeling, FEA, QFormReferences
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