Assessment of solid-solution hardening of austenitic alloys at nitrogen alloying

Metallurgy and Material Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-245-252


Petrova L. G.*, Belashova I. S.**

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prospect, Moscow, 125319, Russia



The article deals with the development of the structural theory of strength and design on its basis of various technological schemes for surface hardening of steels and alloys. The basic principles of dislocation theory are also presented here, according to which the resistance of real metals to plastic deformation being expressed by the strength characteristics (yield strength σ t and tensile strength σv), is higher, the lower the dislocation mobility is, i.e. the more barriers are in its path. On the other hand, the ductility and toughness of metals are being reduced herewith, leading to the brittle fracture as the result of the possible initiation and progressive development of a crack. Hardening of real metallic materials is being considered as the result of the dislocations interaction with a certain combination of several types of obstacles, or as a combined effect of several structural mechanisms, namely hardening by interstitial or substitutional atoms (solid solution hardening), hardening by grain and subgrain boundaries, hardening by dislocations, and hardening by dispersed particles. Contribution of these mechanisms to the overall hardening may vary greatly depending on the class, brand of metallic material, as well as on the technology employed. The approximation of linear additivity of various mechanisms is generally accepted and confirmed by the concurrence of calculated and experimental results for certain classes of steels.

This article adduces a calculation of the of the alloying elements impact in austenitic steels and alloys on the level of solid solution hardening, which is the predominant mechanism of structural strengthening in this class of austenitic steels while nitriding. It is worth noting that nitriding is one of the most widespread chemical-thermal treatment processes in mechanical engineering. The structural strengthening while formation solid solutions forming occurs due to the deceleration and blocking of dislocations by atoms of the dissolved element owing to the Cottrell atmospheres formation, which increase the stress required for dislocation glide, i.e., cause hardening. Hardening level prediction based on computational models allows associating the material structure with the yield strength and fracture toughness as the main indicators of the structural strength of a product, as well as maximally implementing the main of hardening mechanisms order to develop new effective technologies for creating materials with desired properties.


dislocations, hardening, solid solution, nitrogen activity coefficient, alloying, yield strength


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