Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-7-19
*, , **, , , ***Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
*e-mail: bolsun@progtech.ru
**e-mail: aleksandr.krutov@tsagi.ru
***e-mail: ivan.chernyshev@tsagi.ru
The presented article proposes a technology for various area wing design to create a family of prospective heavy transport aircraft with two and four PD-35 type engines with a thrust of 35 tons. Payload of the first aircraft could be of 70–80 tons, while the large aircraft can carry up to 150 tons. To simplify and reduce the cost of a large aircraft creating, the outer wing consoles with their engine were borrowed from the wing of the «junior» member of the family, and the area was increased due to the new center wing equipped with two extra engines. The aerodynamic layout of the wings of both aircraft was designed applying various CFD approaches, including the fast direct and robust inverse methods as well as multi- mode optimization technique.
The article presents the description of the aerodynamic design procedure and some specifics of each of the aerodynamic layouts. It is shown that the designed wings with a sweep of χ1/4=24° do provide cruising flight at a speed of M = 0.77 ÷ 0.8 (820 ÷ 850 km/h). Two aerodynamic models of the considered airplanes have been manufactured (1:32 scale was selected for the two engine aircraft and 1:50 scale for the four engine one) and tested in the large TsAGI T-106 transonic wind tunnel. The experiment confirmed the achievement of the design goals for both cruise and takeoff-landing speed modes.
An expert assessment of the L/D ratio losses due to proposed approach to the design of a composite wing was performed. For this purpose, a free optimization of the wing of an enlarged area with the same planform and relative thicknesses distribution along the span was conducted. The article shows that the high-speed characteristics do not degrade. At the same time, the maximum L/D-ratio of the composite wing layout is ~1.5% less.
aerodynamic design, two-engine layout, four-engine layout, aerodynamic wing modelReferences
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