Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-35-44
*, **Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
*e-mail: BorshchevIUP@laspace.ru
**e-mail: SysoevVK@laspace.ru
The article provides a brief analysis of the additive technologies global market development, and bespeaks the need to activate the Russian market segment, which currently occupies no more than 2%. It regards the problems of introducing developments of the new elements of the structures of spacecraft antenna-feeder systems (AFS) and technological processes of their manufacturing employing selective laser alloyage (SLA). This said topic is insufficiently studied, since the conventional techniques are being limited only by the development of the technological process for parts manufacturing with the SLA application. The article presents the technique algorithm from technological analysis of the technical assignment for the SC AFS development to the end product manufacturing and testing. The authors note that the important feature of this technique consists in interrelation of the development process and capabilities of the parts manufacturing technology (SLA). This allows AFS manufacturing with the geometry corresponding to the rated one, which is being determined by the electro-dynamic modeling, without adjusting the part structure to the conventional manufacturing technologies capabilities. Thus, the principle of «from function to the design» is being put into practice. The technique was developed based on the authors’ experience on the SLA technology implementation and analysis of scientific publications on the issue. The authors tested the technique on the example of development and manufacturing, applying the SLA technology, of new structures of the helix antenna and waveguide corners for the spacecraft. The technique includes certification of the newly implemented material, performed according to the industry standard and consisting in conducting tests of necessary operational properties of the new material by the corresponding program.
The following documents were drawn up by the certification results:
— a certificate containing data on the properties of the material, the results of its performance evaluating under conditions as close as possible to operational conditions and recommendations for testing in production and operational conditions;
— technical specifications containing technical requirements for the material of part blanks manufactured by the SLM method.
The technique provides also the development, based on the organization Standard, of the Program for experimental try-out of technological process for parts manufacturing employing the SLA technique,
The results, obtained while developing the feasibility study, such as reduction of mass, material utilization factor, labor intensity, and cost, as well as the SC AFSs elements operational characteristics improvement, including active life increase, and new structures try-out period reduction afford ground to consider the presented article as up-to-date not only for the space industry, but for the radio-electronic industry as well.
selective laser alloyage, spacecraft, AlSi10Mg powder, helix cone antenna, waveguide cornersReferences
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