Studying dependence of “RIGID” aerodynamic models elastic deformations on their geometric and design parameters

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-45-60


Gorbushin A. R.1*, Ishmuratov F. Z.1**, Nguyen V. N.2***

1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia



Aerodynamic models, assumed as a rule to be very rigid, are actually subjected to noticeable elastic deformations under the wind tunnel (WT) testing conditions, which distort the measurement results. The article studies the dependences of elastic deformations of «rigid» WT models on their geometric and structural parameters to develop requirements for the model stiffness characteristics and determine rational modifications of the primary structure, which allow minimizing the model elastic twist angle for various wing layouts and flow-around modes

The procedure specifics for developing a of a steel wing computational model of the aerodynamic model in the NASTRAN software package for solving static aeroelasticity problems are considered. Parametric dependences of elastic deflections, twist angles and the lift coefficient on the wing sweep angle and position of the stiffness axis are studied.

Analysis of the results obtained for the wing model of a typical mainline aircraft reveal the following:

– the elastic streamwise twist angle is mainly determined by the bending angle;

– the angle of torsion around the stiffness axis for the model under consideration increases the streamwise twist angle.

Thus, the streamwise twist would be possible at the twist angle sign changing due to the shift of the axis of stiffness. It may also be seen from the comparative analysis of the center of pressure position of the sections along chord for the three different problems, which correspond to the pressure distribution depending on the curvature and twist at the zero angle of attack, unit angle of attack and these problems combination at different angles of attack.

For the model under consideration, in the middle and end parts, where significant deformations occur, the stiffness axis is located at a distance of (0.4-0.45)c from the leading edge (here с is the wing local chord). The sections’ center of pressure position is much further, and reaches a value of 0.6с at the wing end. This rear position of the pressure center is stipulated by the specificity of the employed supercritical airfoils with a strong undercutting of the lower surface near the trailing edge.

Thus, the possibility of reducing the elastic deformation impact on aerodynamic characteristics for a certain range of wing sweep angles and test modes due to the model layout modification was revealed as the result of parametric studies.

To minimize the elasticity effect on aerodynamic characteristics while WT test, modifications of the model layout may be considered in two aspects: 1) the relative position changing of the pressure centers line and the stiffness axis; 2) torsional stiffness reducing.

The said areas of research are supposed to be developed in the further activities on this issue.


aerodynamic model, wind tunnel, elastic deflection, streamwise twist angle, beam schematization, stiffness axis


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