Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-88-94
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
The presented article considers the design of two gas turbine engine combustion chambers running on natural gas. There are 32 burners in the first combustion chamber, while the second one contains 136 nozzles placed in two rows in the flame tube head.
In accordance with the fact that carbon dioxide is being formed as an intermediate substance in the process of carbon-bearing fuels oxidizing, the CO emissions control is being reduced not to this substance forming prevention, but to the problem of completing reaction of its oxidation by ensuring maximum combustion efficiency.
Technical substantiation for the multi-flame fuel combustion application was set forth. If assume that the torch length is proportional to the nozzle diameter, including the number of nozzles, which equals 136, into the calculation, the torch length will be half the length of the torch length with the number of 32 pieces.
The article adduces the results of studying two combustion chambers differing by the design of the flame tube head, presents the test-bench equipment, and describes the experimental research specifics. The results of the studies on concentration measuring of the final gas mixture components at the outlet of both combustion chambers are presented. The fuel combustion completeness was determined, and inference was drawn on most acceptable flame tube head design, which ensures maximum combustion completeness and minimum concentration of carbon oxides. This design represents the multi-nozzle combustion chamber.
The inference was drawn that the combustion efficiency growth with the combustion sources increase was associated with bothr chemical reacting acceleration and substantial improving of the air-and-fuel mixture preparation prior to its feeding to the combustion zone.
gas-turbine engine combustion chamber, multi-flame burning of fuel, combustion efficiency, pollutionReferences
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