Developing mathematical model of acoustic waveguide type probe for pressure ripples measuring in the gas turbine engine combustion chamber

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-135-143


Radin D. V.1*, Makaryants G. M.1**, Bystrov N. D.1***, Tarasov D. S.2****, Fokin N. I.2*****, Ivanovskii A. A.2******, Matveev S. S.1*******, Gurakov N. I.1********

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
2. “Power machines – ZTL, LMZ, Electrosila, Energomachexport” (“Power machines”), 3A, Vatutina str., St. Petersburg, 195009, Russia



Development of low-emission combustion chambers for modern and advanced gas turbine engines at this date is impossible without experimental determining of their pulsation state. At the same time, ripples measuring with existing sensors at typical temperature conditions common to modern combustion chambers represents a rather huge problem. An alternative approach to this problem consists in the waveguide-type acoustic probe application, which allows removing the said sensor from the high-temperature area. The presence of a pneumatic information transmission channel places high demands on the probe frequency characteristics determining accuracy. The main feature of the probe operation as part of the combustion chamber is the temperature inhomogeneity along its length. However, the effect of the temperature distribution along the probe length on its frequency characteristics has not been fully studied by now. Thus, the main goal of this research consists in developing a mathematical model for frequency characteristics computing of the acoustic probe at the arbitrary temperature distribution along its length. The impedance method was applied when developing its mathematical model. It is assumed that the chamber represents an ideal source of pressure fluctuations, i.e. pressure ripples in the combustion chamber do not depend on the probe acoustic characteristics. The acoustic probe computational domain consists of four elements, such as waveguide, matching pipeline, sensor cavity, and adapter channel. Frequency characteristics of the sensor cavity and adapter channel, which form the Helmholtz resonator, are being computed with lumped-parameter models. This article herewith does not consider the effect of the cavity shape and the sensor impedance on the Helmholtz resonator dynamic characteristics. The waveguide and the matching pipeline are being computed with distributed-parameter models and presented as sections of the same length, within either of which the temperature is assumed constant. The temperature values for each section are being determined by interpolating the temperature distribution law along the length of the probe, which, in its turn, may be obtained by computing or experiment. Each individual section is being presented in the form of a passive quadripole. The wave process propagation constants and wave impedances for each section are being computed depending on the frequency either by applying a low-frequency model or a high-frequency one. The results obtained with the developed mathematical model were compared with the experimental data obtained at the elevated pressure. Comparison of computational and experimental data demonstrated their good convergence.


pressure ripples measuring, acoustic probe, frequency characteristics, temperature-non-uniform channel


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