Calibration of gas turbine engine mathematical model on the test-bench data by combinatorial analysis methods in the ThermoGTE software

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-144-157


Vovk M. Y.1*, Leshchenko I. A.2**, Danichev A. V.3***, Greben’kov P. A.3****, Gorshkov A. Y.3*****

1. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau, branch of the United Engine Corporation – Ufa Engine Industrial Association, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia
2. United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia
3. Lyulka Desing Bureau, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia

***e-mail: Dà


The processes of designing, fine-tuning and modernization of aircraft gas turbine engines require credibility of the mathematical models (MM) reflecting physical picture of the engine functioning processes. The latter can be achieved by the model parameters calibrating based on the engine test-bench and flight experiments results.

The MM calibration process of modern aircraft gas turbine engines is rather time-consuming task due to the need for identifying the main parameters obtained while experimental studies, which depend on a large number of parameters uncontrolled during the experiment, which values may vary while the identification process.

The presented work studies the combinatorial calibration method of the engine mathematical model. Four virtual experiments are pre-conducted, presented in the form of a model computation with introduced correction coefficients on the nodes characteristics. Global array of correction coefficients is being formed in the ThermoGTE software for the existing engine structure by the results of virtual tests. Further, the problem on the calculated parameters and experimental results minimization is being solved for each combination of correction coefficients by the ThermoGTE software built-in simplex method. As the result, an array of resulting functions is being formed for each combination of corrections, and the most accurate groups of corrections are being determined. The selected solutions operability is being checked thereafter by correction coefficients substituting into the engine mathematical model. As the result, the research engineer obtains several scenarios for the mathematical model calibration. It is assumed while solving that the parameters being measured have no deviation from the real ones (zero measurement error). The correction multipliers constancy is being assumed as well that at all engine operation modes.

The presented MM calibration method may be employed to refine mathematical model of any engine with any number of measured parameters. However, it should be noted that the presence of a large number of correction coefficients of the model under study leads to an exponential increase in the computation time, which in its turn leads to the need for the problem parallelization.


GTE mathematical model, parametric verification, GTE characteristics, virtual experiment, ThermoGTE


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