Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-166-178
S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia
e-mail: post@rsce.ru
The article deals with the failures of spacecraft attitude thrusters applied for angular maneuvers and rotational motion stabilization. A failure of the thruster as a part of the spacecraft attitude control loop may lead to failure of the attitude mode, high fuel consumption, exceeding the allowable loads on the structure, and even to the loss of the spacecraft. The system functioning reliability requires continuous monitoring of the thrusters running correctness in real time and timely failures parrying them in case of their occurrence.
The article considers the two possible types of failures, such as the thruster start failing, i.e. it does not start at the starting command, and the thruster turn-off failing, i.e. it keeps on running at the turnoff command. The proposed algorithm is based on the analysis of the difference between the actual behavior of the angular motion dynamics of a real control object and its onboard model. The mismatch between the vector of the measured angular rate and the vector of the angular motion estimation is being analyzed. This type of mismatch is well suited for the fact of the attitude thruster failure detecting, since it will be close to zero at any stroke of the onboard computer, while it will differ greatly from zero at the certain strokes. The thruster turnoff failure is possible to detect by analyzing the mismatch only at the strokes, where the turn-on commands for the failed thruster do not present, while the thruster turn-on failure is possible to detect by the mismatch analyzing only at the strokes where the failed thruster turn-on commands do present.
The article issues recommendations for the algorithm parameters selection. The proposed algorithm operability is being demonstrated by the results of mathematical modeling.
failure diagnostics, attitude control, attitude thrustersReferences
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