Programming a trusted memory-centric motion control system for robotic and mechatronic systems

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-197-210


Zelenskii A. A.*, Ivanovskii S. P.**, Ilyukhin Y. V.***, Gribkov A. A.****

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia



The article substantiates the need for the development of motion control systems for industrial robots, CNC machines and other mechatronic systems, defines the requirements for ensuring trust in such systems from the viewpoint of functional reliability and information security. One of the most up-to-date trends in the development of motion control systems for digital production is a significant expansion of their functionality for managing complex multi-coordinate nonlinear objects in real time. Practical meeting of the requirements for improving and ensuring the trust of motion control systems of industrial robots, CNC machines and other mechatronic systems can be achieved by improving the architecture of motion control systems, in particular through the application of memory-centric architecture of motion control systems. On the assumption of the specifics of control systems with memory-centric architecture, basic requirements for programming such control systems can be set. According to these requirements, the programming language should be:

— subject-oriented and specialized for motion control;

— declarative with elements of functional and logical language, optimal for setting algorithms of operation, i.e. for distributing tasks between autonomous functional modules of the control system;

— interpreted (or assembly language), ensuring the speed and compactness of the program code, as well as optimal use of shared memory resources of the control system when running in real time.

In addition, the program in the language being defined should implement the model of actors and ensure confidence increasing in the motion control system. To meet the specified requirements, the authors created a domain-oriented declarative interpreted language of a modular digital system. The key elements of the language are a set of syntactic elements, as well as application programming interfaces built from syntactic elements of the language and serving for integration into the language of external libraries (in the same or other languages). The program in language includes the following basic elements: operators, structures and expressions formed from syntactic elements of the language; actors formed as instances of additional programs emulated by the (main) program at startup or during the process of running.

The motion control system, programmed in the language, consists of four main structural components:

— A human-machine interface, through which the program code generated by the human operator, describing the algorithm of operation of the equipment, as well as a configuration file that provides program configuration for the tasks being formulated;

— A central processor responsible for the overall management of the system and distribution of tasks;

— Functional modules, performing data processing of sensitization, computations and control of regulators of actuating devices;

— Communication networks, ensuring communication between the structural elements of a computer, as well as with external devices.

As the result of the research being conducted, the mechanism of implementing the actor model through meta-programming, as well as tools for increasing confidence in the management system through management decentralization and data localization, were determined.


industrial robots, program, mechatronic, motion control system, trust, memory-centric, domain-oriented, declarative, actor, meta-programming


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