Metallurgy and Material Science
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-220-227
*, **Central research institute for special machinery, Zavodskay str., Khotkovo, Moscow region, 141371, Russia
*e-mail: skleznev@crism10.ru
**e-mail: 185@bk.ru
The article deals with lattice thin-walled load-bearing shell elements equipped with an external sealed shell and applied in civil aviation as aircraft fuselages. Analysis of the existing experience in lattice composite structures design and application as appllied to both spacecraft and atmospheric aircraft is being performed. Composite skin together with composite bearing ribs, ensuring the structure aerodynamic quality and the aircraft internal volume tightness are being employed as a rule in the said structures.
The flight speeds increase, as well as possible shock impacts from objects of various nature, do not only hinder, but also make composite skin of aircraft elements application potentially impossible, whereby the authors propose to apply metal alloy skin in a lattice thin-walled shell structure.
The article proposes a technique for the design stage calculation of stiffness characteristics of lattice anisogrid structures with metal sheathing, which allows solving the problem of optimal design of this kind of structures by increasing their weight perfection. Comparison of the results obtained by analytical solving with those of the numerical experiment is being adduced.
As it follows from the results obtained, the presence of a metal edging does not only serve as a solution for creating a reliable mechanical linkage between the metal sheathing and the composite load-bearing element, but gives some increase in both flexural and membrane stiffness as well. The proposed method for stiffness characteristics determining and its verifying employing the finite element method (FEM) demonstrates the fundamental possibility of designing and calculating composite elements, such as beams, anisogrid plates and shells containing a metal edging or metal sheathing. It can be applied not only in aerospace designs, but also in the field of ground structures developing, as well as shipbuilding.
a structure from composite material, reinforced polymer composite material, averaged stiffness coefficients, anisogrid lattice structure, metal sheathing, thin-walled load-bearing shellReferences
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