Analysis of quartz nano-powders laser synthesis process

Metallurgy and Material Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-228-236


Vyatlev P. A.1*, Sysoev V. K.1**, Yudin A. D.1, 2***

1. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Synthesis and study of nano-powders properties of various oxide materials is an important problem in modern materials science. The quartz glass possesses a unique combination of characteristics, such as high melting point, high heat resistance, chemical inertness, and optical transparency. The said stipulates the interest in the preparation and study of nano-powders from this material.

One of the successful methods for obtaining nanopowders is the solid inorganic substances evaporation under the action of electron beams with subsequent condensation. The purpose of this work consists in to analyzing the process of obtaining silicon dioxide nano-powders based on high-intensity evaporation of quartz glass under the impact of CO2-laser radiation (10.6 μm), and studying the products of this reaction.

The subject of the study in this work is the process of evaporation from the surface of quartz glass under the impact of focused laser radiation from a CO2-laser of a 100 W power. The evaporation rate was being controlled by changing the laser beam power, the rotation speed, and the linear feed of the quartz rod. With the CO2-laser power increasing up to 5 kW, Si02 nano-powder obtaining with a productivity of up to 5 kg/h is possible.

Radiation, absorbed in a thin layer of quartz glass, heats it up to evaporation temperatures without the liquid phase formation. Quartz glass evaporates in the plasma state.

A brightly luminous plasma, which leads to the NO2 gas forming, is being formed in the process of quartz nano-poweders obtaining in the zone of material evaporation under the impact of the focused laser radiation.

The sizes and phase composition of nanoparticles, as well as the specific surface area and optical properties of nanopowders, were studied. The spherical structure of the quartz powder particles is visible, which indicates a liquid-drop mechanism of evaporation. The size distribution has its maximum at 80 nm. The chemical composition of the silicon dioxide powders corresponds to the chemical composition of the feedstock, and, unlike industrial grades of silicon dioxide powders, they do not contain chlorine and fluorine.

Analysis of the obtained silicon dioxide nanopowders application revealed the possibility of their employing in high-quality polishing, cleaning, grinding friction pairs of high-precision mechanisms technologies, as well as an additive in composite polymer materials and lunar soil simulators.


quartz nano-powders, laser radiation, nitrous oxide


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