The concept of pluridisciplinary forming of precursory technical appearance of military purpose unmanned aerial vehicles

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-94-110


Zinenkov Y. V.1*, Lukovnikov A. V.2**

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The development and creation of unmanned aerial vehicles is the most dynamically developing trend of the aviation industry worldwide. This is being facilitated by the continuous practice of their application in solving a wide range of diverse tasks. In this diversity, the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles occupy a special place, since demonstration of their capabilities by law enforcement agencies while solving combat tasks in modern local conflicts in the most obvious way reveals the advantages of their application.

Against this background, a steady trend of the unmanned aerial vehicles development is being observed in our country with a forecast for decades to come. To reduce terms and costs for the unmanned aerial vehicles development the authors propose to realize the targeted development of prospective unmanned flying vehicles by the principle “Task — solution option — facilities — terms — cost”. The issue of the power plants developing still remains herewith the most complex one, which is being associated with the lack of the stat-of-the-art substantiated methods and techniques combined with the criteria, on which basis the assessment of the power plant efficiency with various types of aviation engines characteristic for application on the unmanned aerial vehicles.

The article presents a unified methodological approach to the development of the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles with hybrid power plants and power plants based on the engines of conventional types and schemes, such as gas turbine, piston and electric. Special attention herewith is paid to the disclosure of problematic issues of scientific and research nature, and production straightforwardly when creating aircraft engines for the power plants of unmanned aerial vehicles. These issues relate to the stage of external design of military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles and their power plants, and affect the fundamental and applied foundations of design and production, which should be accounted for while preliminary design.

The article describes the following issues developed by the authors:

— The methodology for the precursory technical appearance forming of power plants for the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles;

— The technique for substantiating optimal parameters of both engine and airframe;

— Classification of military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles;

— A complex mathematical model of an unmanned aerial vehicle for computational and theoretical studies of the “Unmanned aerial vehicle — power plant” system using computer software.

For further development of the complex mathematical model, the authors plan to finalize the mathematical model of the power plant based on both turbo-screw and piston engines, as well as hybrid options of power plants, including an electric generator in addition to the “thermal” engines, an electric motor and a separate propulsor.

The practical value of this work, which consists in the fact that its results may be employed in both scientific and design organizations, preoccupied with developments of prospective unmanned aerial vehicles and their power plants, as well as ordering organizations and industry while substantiating requirements to the new samples of aviation engineering, is worth mentioning.


aviation piston engine, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), hybrid power plant, efficiency assessment, UAV classification, mathematical model, aerodynamic layout, interference, electrochemical generator, propeller, special characteristics, flight program, target development, aircraft level criteria, integrated approach, technical and economic assessment


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