Mean-integral heat transfer coefficient parametric identification in coaxial heat pipes

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-111-121


Borschev N. O.

Leading Engineer of the Astrospace Center S.A. Lebedeva, 53, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119991, Russia



The article proposes a method for reconstructing the average integral heat transfer coefficient as a function of temperature for axial heat pipes. This method is based on the studied parameter representation in the form of its parameterized value, multiplied by the corresponding basis function that describes its dependence on the temperature. Linear-continuous function was selected as the basis one. Further, with the selected initial approximation of the heat transfer coefficient parameter, the “direct” problem of the theoretical temperature field determining is being solved under known initial-boundary conditions and thermo-physical properties of the material. Based on the flight thermal elaboration of the axial tube, the root-mean-square deviation between the theoretical and experimental temperature field at the sites of temperature sensors installation is being composed. The obtained functional is being minimized by the conjugate directions method, with preliminary selection of the descent step. The descent step is being selected from the condition of the residual functional minimum at all iterations, starting from the second one. Likewise, one of the most important tasks prior to minimization is finding the gradient component of this functional. For this purpose, the statement of the “direct” problem of heating the pipe is being solved again with a preliminary differentiation of this statement of the problem by the parameterized value of the heat transfer coefficient. The sum of errors, namely systematic, statement of the research problem, rounding and the set problem solving method, was selected as the iteration process termination criterion. Reaching the termination criterion assumes that the searched for parameterized value is found, otherwise the above described routine should be repeated again. To check the adequacy of the developed method, the obtained result was compared to the method for the heat transfer coefficient determining from the thermal resistances analysis based on the experimental temperature field. Analysis of relative errors shows good convergence in the case of this coefficient averaging over time with its experimental counterpart, otherwise, a greater number of considered time blocks and a more accurate thermal model of an axial heat pipe are required.


axial heat pipe, spacecraft, natural convection, thermal mode systems, coefficient inverse problem, iterative regularization method


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