Technical layout analysis of generator-free hydrogen-oxygen propulsion unit for interorbital transport reusable spacecraft, which puts payload in the near-earth orbit

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-122-135


Borovik I. N.1*, Astakhov S. A.2**, Mukambetov R. Y.***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Scientific Test Range of Aviation Systems named after L.K. Safronov, Beloozersky settlement, Voskresensky district, Moscow region, Russia



The article emphasizes the relevance of the Moon problem exploration, namely construction of a long-term lunar orbital station and a habitable base on its surface. Attention is also focused on the fact that these programs implementation will require more than 1000 tons of payload. One of the ways of a payload delivery to the lunar orbit is a reusable inter-orbital transport vehicle (RIOTV), which propulsion system should be capable of multiple turn-ons. With a view to the unit cost minimizing of the payload leading out, the RIOTV propulsion unit should be optimized. In this regard, the article defines the technical appearance of the liquid-propellant rocket propulsion unit (LPRPU), optimized by the following criteria: minimum mass and minimum unit cost of the payload leading out.

Complex mathematical model, conjugating mathematical models of “rocket” and “engine” basic design parameters (BDP) impact on the effectiveness criteria of RIOTV and STS, was developed to define technical appearance of the LPRPU of the RIOTV in total. Computation of the two options of optimal LPRPU ROTV for the concrete of leading out task, namely the 16500 kg payload insertion into orbit, was performed with the developed model.

A technical appearance with high values of both turbine efficiency and pressure in the combustion chamber was obtained by the computation results. Next, the turbine efficiency in the obtained layout was reduced to much realistic values. The authors established that application of optimized option of the LPRPU with less effective fuel turbine, reduced pressure in the combustion chamber and reduced rotation frequency of the fuel turbo pump unit for this transportation operation will allow, with otherwise equal parameters, increasing lifecycle of the LPRPU as a whole and reducing the unit cost of the payload leading out.

The article demonstrates that the basic LPRE, which technical appearance and basic project parameters are not optimized to the problem of leading out being considered in the presented study are ineffective by the majority of criteria.


reusable inter-orbital transport vehicle, basic design parameters, generator-free oxygen-hydrogen liquid-propellant rocket engine


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