Optimal measurements filtering is a promising method for estimation accuracy improving of re-entry time and collision probability of space

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-191-199


Usovik I. V.1*, Nazarenko A. I.2**, Morozov A. A.***

1. Federal State Institution “Federal Scientific Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Nachimovskiy prosp., Moscow, 117218, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: usovikiv@gmail.com
**e-mail: anazarenko32@mail.ru
***e-mail: aamorozko@mail.ru


With each year, the space debris poses increasing threat to the functioning spacecraft, as well as people and property on Earth. Dozens of large-size spacecraft enter annually the atmosphere and reach the Earth surface, and there is always a risk herewith of inflicting damage to the people or property. Several collision have occurred by now in the near-Earth space, which can be avoided in the future, if appropriate characteristics of the systems, which ensure warning about such events, will be guaranteed.

The basic method of the threats parrying associated with the space debris is a warning about dangerous situations, namely time and place of large objects re-entry, a possible collision of a spacecraft with space debris or some other spacecraft. For realizing this method and solving corresponding problems, the refined data on the spacecraft orbits parameters by measurements are being required. Accuracy improving of the orbits parameters evaluation and their further prediction is necessary for safety ensuring of space activities under conditions of a large number of spacecraft.

The article presents basic mathematical relationships of optimal measurement filtering method (OFI), and shows that the OFI method application may significantly improve the results of the re-entry time evaluation and the space objects collision probability compared to the conventionally employed least square method. The results of the OFI application while predicting the time and place of the Tiangong-1 orbital station re-entry are demonstrated using the available accessible data. A posteriori evaluation of the prediction results accuracy showed that the OFI application allows sevenfold accuracy increasing of the estimates, without increasing herewith the computational complexity.

One of the ways of new space debris forming mitigation consists in its active removal. Presently, the works on the space debris active removal have been transferred from research to the ones being realized in daily practice of space activities. In the years to come, a number of projects will be implemented to remove spent upper stages, rocket bodies and spacecraft from orbits. The article presents the results of comparing the areas of the space debris active removal obtained by the technique, which accounts for the OFI with a concrete list of objects, obtained by a group of international experts. As is seen from the comparison, 48 out of 50 objects get into the calculated areas, which indicates a good correspondence of results obtained earlier with estimates of international specialists group. In this regard, it can be considered that both the ranges of orbits in altitudes and inclinations, and specific objects have been determined to prevent collisions that could lead to a large formation of new objects in the near future.

The OFI method application in monitoring and warning systems for hazardous events related to the space debris will increase efficiency of their functioning with the existing measuring instruments.


measurement filtration, space debris, fall time, collision in space, active removal of space debris


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