Wear-resistant compexes of instrumental purpose for operation under increased thermal-power loading

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-222-230


Migranov M. S.*, Shekhtman S. R.**, Sukhova N. A.***, Gusev A. S.****

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia

*e-mail: migmars@mail.ru
**e-mail: shex@inbox.ru
***e-mail: nad_suhova@mail.ru
****e-mail: gusev.angrey@bk.ru


The article deals with theoretical and experimental studies of cutting tool wear intensity while machining chrome-nickel alloys under temperature-force conditions employing modern wear-resistant complexes. Application of modifying multilayer-composite multicomponent nanostructured wear-resistant complexes is one of the most promising ways to improve the cutting properties of edge tools. The authors defined basic trends for edge cutting tools wear-off intensity reduction, associated with the friction coefficient value decreasing by application of the lubricant-cooling technological agents (LCTA) and wear-resistant complexes, as well as cutting temperature impact on the wear intensity in time. The cutting mode, temperature-force factor value in the working zone and contact phenomena at the cutting wedge affect the tool complexes origination (the tool material and wear-proof coating) with the effect of adaptation in the process of friction.

The article presents data on a series of experimental studies on the cutting process thermo-physics and mechanics, regularities of the cutting tool wear process while chromium-nickel parts lathe work for the qualitative estimation of the wear-resistant coatings effect on the machinability. Quadrihedral carbide plates (10 × 10 mm) and solid tools from the materials (BK8, BKIOOM) with various wear-resistant coatings were employed as cutting tools. The life testing and temperature-force tests were conducted with the I6K20 universal lathe machine of normal stiffness with stepless spindle rotation frequency control.

Temperature measuring in the process of metal cutting processing with a view to identify the average contact temperature with a sufficiently high accuracy and reliability was being performed by the natural thermocouple method. The thermo-EMF values registration and evaluation were accomplished by the mercury current collector and «Elemer» digital voltmeter. Estimation of friction coefficient and stress state of contact zone at various temperatures was conducted with the adhesion installation.

It has been established that the most favorable temperature-force state is being ensured at deposition the TiAlN of multilayer coatings after magnetic-arc filtration (MAF). Relative linear wear and its intensity decrease are being observed herewith, which can be explained by forming protective amorphous-like (aluminum oxide) and lubricating (titanium oxide) structures on the cutting wedge surface.

It has been revealed that the increase of cutting temperature and tangential component of cutting force with subsequent decrease of cutting tool wear resistance when using chromium-containing coating is associated with the phenomenon of chemical affinity of contacting materials at increased temperatures in the cutting zone.

It has been established that application of chromium-nickel alloys in the contact zone under conditions of the increased thermal power load at blade machining with tool wear-resistant complexes allows the twofold increasing of the durability period.

Keywords: wear-resistant complexes, friction, nano-structured coatings, cutting temperature and force, cutting tools wearing-out, thermo-emf, adhesive bonds strength.


wear-resistant complexes, friction, nano-structured coatings, cutting temperature and force, cutting tools wearing-out, thermo-emf, adhesive bonds strength


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