Mode effect of robotized argon arc welding by pulsating arc and blow medium on the structure and properties of permanent joints of thin-walled pipes from stainless steel of aviation purpose

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-231-245


Bakhmatov P. V.*, Kravchenko A. S.**

Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University (KnASU), 27, Lenin str., Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681013, Russia



Efficiency improving of the state-of-the-art techniques of welding aircraft thin-walled pipelines is an urgent task of the modern aviation industry. The main trends are the following: the welding procedure robotics, implementation of welding techniques and technologies with thermal cycle stabilization, and, accordingly, the structure and properties along the entire seam length, costs reduction of materials and electric energy, increase of productivity and quality of final products. The article presents the results of the studies conducted on the effect of the blow medium and pulsating arc while robotized argon arc welding of thin-walled elements of stainless steel piping systems for aircraft by non-melting tungsten electrode without application of the filler wire on the structure and properties of welded butt joints.

Welding was performed on an automatic welding installation for rotating bodies developed at Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University and programmable controlled by Mach3 via G-codes. The installation includes a welding rotator, a Kemppi MinarcTig Evo 200 MPL power supply with a TTC 220 burner, a positioner for the burner transverse movement, a welding wire feeder, a laptop, and a control unit. The G-code was employed for welding, the value of the standby current herewith was 15 A, the maximum current was 35 A, and the pulse duration was being reduced from 1.3 to 1.0 s within 0.1 s decrement. The extent of the first sector is the smallest with the maximum pulse duration, and is meant for stabilizing welding modes and seam geometry. The second and the third sectors are of equal extent, but with different values of pulse duration. The fourth sector is of the greatest extent with the minimum pulse duration.

A pipe from AISI 321 steel of a 50 mm diameter with a wall thickness of 1 mm was employed as blanks. The edges of the welded blanks were trimmed on a lathe prior to the assembly. The butt assembly for welding was performed manually with a gap of 0-0.1 mm on the prism without filler material application.

The developed and manufactured protective device, tightly installed in the internal cavity of the pipes being assembled through the packing rings, which seal the limited space of the butt edges, were employed for the blowing.

Geometric parameters of the obtained welding seams (the height of the reinforcement of the roller front side) were being determined by the MCAx laser scanning and 3D model processing in the Focus 10 Inspection software. Welded samples of thin-walled pipe blanks were tested for static tension and are subjected to microstructural studies and microhardness measurement.

The obtained welded joints meet by the geometric parameters the requirements of regulatory documentation governing the welding procedure of the aircraft pipeline systems. However, the joints obtained with the air atmosphere inside the pipe are characterized by a reduced tensile strength of up to 20% and elongation. Argon and nitrogen application as a blowing is being characterized by the lack of the oxidized layer, and mechanical properties closeness to the basic metal ones. Besides, a possibility for controlling the value of the root and front roller strengthening by the blowing gases pressure appears. The results of the work can be applied in the aircraft industry for both automatic and robotic welding of thin-walled stainless steel pipelines.


robotized argon arc welding, pulsating arc, thin-walled pipeline, stainless steel, argon and nitrogen blowing


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