Micro-fracture of multilayer composites based on morphous-nanocrystalline metal alloy

Metallurgy and Material Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-246-252


Ushakov I. V.*, Oshorov A. D.**

National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", 4, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russia

*e-mail: ushakoviv@mail.ru
**e-mail: oshorovayur@gmail.com


The properties of thin hard films with a thickness of about 30 μm deposited on a polymer coating take a significant effect on the operation properties of such composite compounds. At the same time, there are no reliable and generally accepted methods for revealing the mechanical properties of such composite compounds and their claddings, especially for the case of multilayer coatings. The mechanical tests method, which is rather sensitive to the properties of these materials, is required for the quality control of such coatings. A special method for micro-fracturing viscosity at the local loading with the Vickers pyramid was tested earlier for the single-layer composite compound.

The presented study describes a new method for the micro-fracture viscosity coefficient computing of the multilayer composite compounds. The composite compound consists of the thin hard nano-crystalline metallic films and polymeric material. The micro-fracture viscosity of a multilayer composite is being determined by analyzing the features of the system of cracks formed under local loading by the Vickers pyramid. The authors show that the recommended formulas and algorithms for the micro-fracture viscosity determining may be employed for multilayer composites mechanical tests. It is demonstrated that the micro-fracture viscosity determining of the two-layer amorphous-nano-crystal film compounds may be applied to the multi-layer composite compounds with account for correction of the fracture micro-patterns analysis method and computational formulas.

Based on the experimental data, specificity of determining the coating micro-fracture viscosity of the multy-layer composite compounds is considered for the cases when local loading with the Vickers pyramid does not allow creating the standard pattern of cracks, united into symmetrical nested figures.

The article proposes the technique and formulas for micro-fracture viscosity calculation for the cases of linear and exponential dependence of the bulge height on loading on the indentor. Specifics of the micro-fracture viscosity coefficient calculating of multi-layer composite compounds when the bulge height depends non-monotonically on the loading on the indentor, which is the feature of many multilayer composite compounds is being considered separately.


micro-fracture of composites, multylayer composite, microindentation of composites, microfracture viscosity


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