Defining UAV structural layout ensuring high thermal insulation indicators without thermal insulation protective means application

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-4-85-93


Maskaykin V. A.

GNPP "Region", 13a, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, 115230, Russia



The article deals with the issue of thermal insulation properties improving of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operating under conditions of extreme temperatures. Basic conditions for the structural layout elaboration ensuring high indices of the UAV thermal insulation without application of thermal insulation protective means are being considered.

For this issue solving, theoretical studies of the unsteady heat exchange of the UAV unit were being performed with account for various diameters and sections under the impact of extremely low and high temperatures. The said studies solutions were being performed by a numerical method, namely a finite difference method.

The results of the theoretical study point out that the UAV high thermal insulation indicators require that its structural layout ensuring the gas interlayer between the hull and the unit constituent parts. For the small diameters being considered in the article (less than 500 mm), the average thickness of the gas interlayer under the impact of the extremely low temperatures should be 8 mm, and for large diameters (500 mm and more) it should be 12 mm and higher. Insuring high indicators of the UAV thermal insulation under the impact of extremely high temperatures require the average thickness of the gas interlayer between the hull and the unit constituent parts by the following dependence: it should be 20, 30, 60 and 120 mm for the diameters of respectively 100, 200, 300 and 500 mm.

The said changes in the UAV unit structure allow its thermal isolation indicators sixfold improving without application of thermal insulation protective means.


UAV thermal insulation properties, thermal insulation materials, extreme temperature conditions, UAV structural layout, conjugated heat transfer in a horizontal cylinder


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