Evaluation of both engine placement and propeller type effect on the diagnostic signs of its gearbox teeth wear

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-4-208-218


Sundukov A. E.1*, Shakhmatov E. V.2**

1. “Turbine SK”, 96, Finskaya str., Samara, 443011, Russian
2. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

*e-mail: sunduckov@mail.ru
**e-mail: shakhm@ssau.ru


Aviation turboprop engines’ gearboxes are the most stress-intensive assemblages. Their main defect is the teeth side surfaces wear. The main hazard of the said defect consists in the vibrations generation that cause fatigue failures of the engine structural elements. Application of the widely exercised methods of vibroacoustic diagnostics for aviation turboprop engines has certain limitations. Mostly, intensities of vibration spectrum components and their combinations are employed as diagnostic signs of the defects. When developing diagnostic techniques, the required statistical data obtaining is being executed for the most part under conditions of a test bench of the engine manufacturer, whereas the diagnostics is being performed under operating conditions at the facility. However, a number of studies have shown that the engine re-installing from the bench to the facility led, as a rule, to the intensity increasing of the vibration process components. Respective conversion factors evaluation leads to the substantial material and time costs increase. Application of various types of propellers on both test bench and facility is possible for the turboprop engines. Evaluation of the engine re-installing from test bench to the facility and changing the propeller from one type to the other with a slightly higher thrust was performed on the example of the turboprop engine differential gearbox.

The following parameters were in use:

  • Intensity of the two spectral components;
  • The depth of the amplitude and frequency modulation indices of the narrow band process near the tooth harmonic of the «solar gear — satellite» pair at the solar gear rotation frequency;
  • The width of the tooth spectral component at the level of the half of its maximum value;
  • Deviation dispersions of the rotation frequencies values of both input and output shafts of the gearbox.

The authors revealed that the engine re-installing from the test bench to the facility led to the components intensities growth from 24 to 137%. Parameters changing, plotted on the frequency deviation characteristics stays within the measurement errors limits. The propeller type impact on the intensity based parameters was not revealed. Installation of the propeller of the higher thrust has not led to drastic changing of the parameters, based on the shaft rotation frequency deviation, up to the engine operating mode up to 0.85 of the rated value. Their significant difference was marked at higher operation modes. The obtained results demonstrate that application of the parameters based on rotation frequencies deviation characteristics of the engine shafts are insensitive to the engine re-installing from the test bench to the facility. While the propeller type changing, it is necessary to define the area of the engine operating modes, insensitive to the said change. The obtained results allow the gearboxes technical state evaluating under operation conditions.


differential gearbox of a turboprop engine, teeth wear, diagnostic signs, shaft speed deviation


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