Gas turbine engines conceptual design approach based on multilevel model

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-4-219-230


Ostapyuk Y. A.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



One of the critical tasks in aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) creating consists in its design process efficiency increasing, which lies in the design period reduction while the project high quality and competitiveness ensuring.

The article considers conceptual design stage, which includes external design of the engine in the aircraft system, layout forming of the gas turbine engine workflow and its structural and geometry layout. This stage is being characterized by the substantial uncertainty level, which source might lie in the initial data incompleteness or generalization.

The initial data uncertainty impact on the engine parameters basic figures in the aggregate with tightening these figures permissible deviations from the project requires maximum possible transition from the initial design data values, predicted by based on the statistics, to the computed ones while successive solution of the project tasks. Mathematical models application of various complexity levels and dimensionality allows reducing the level of the initial data uncertainty as the project development forward and thereby cutting the terms of searching for the effective design solutions.

The need for employing system analysis, multidimensional optimization, the object modeling hierarchy principle and CALS-technology led to the idea of multilevel modeling. The GTE multilevel model represents the set of all engine elements and systems, employed at the various stages of the life cycle.

Accounting for the requirements for both multilevel model and design process allowed determining the most rational structures of the model being applied for the standard set of the design tasks. Conceptual design approach to the gas turbine engines designing with the multilevel model was elaborated on this basis.

The said approach application allows cutting the terms of computations due to the initial data uncertainty level reducing and the iterations number cutting between computations since the assembly units are being optimized in the engine system.


gas turbine engine, conceptual design, thermo-gas-dynamic designing, multilevel model, zero-dimensional model, one-dimensional model, design approach, design algorithm


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