The effect of direct laser beam energy deposition modes on single rollers and walls shaping from the HN50VMTUB heat resisting alloy

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-4-243-255


Oleinik M. A.1*, Balyakin A. V.1**, Skuratov D. L.1***, Petrov I. N.1****, Meshkov A. A.2*****

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
2. “Kuznetsov”, 29, Zavodskoye shosse, Samara, 443009, Russia



Additive manufacturing of products from metal powder materials is being put into effect in two ways, namely the powder bed fusion (PBF) and direct energy deposition. The first method is being realized in both laser beam powder bed fusion and electron beam powder bed fusion technologies in a powder layer.

With this method, the powder is being evenly distributed over the structuring platform, with selective scanning whereafter. Such approach leads to the increased powder consumption due to the need for filling the technological volume of the structuring chamber with it. This disadvantage may be eliminated by the method of direct energy and material supply, particularly, laser beam direct energy deposition (DED) or direct metal deposition (DMD) technology.

The purpose of the presented work consists in studying the effect of the direct laser growing modes, such as laser radiation power, transporting gas consumption and the speed of growth, on the shape and geometry of single rollers and walls obtained as the result of surfacing.

The additive installation for direct laser growing, including the Fanuc M-20iA_20M industrial robot, surfacing head and the Fanuc 2-axis Arc Positioner two axes positioner, on which table the samples were being grown, was employed for the study conducting. This installation is equipped with the three kilowatts YLS-3000 IPG Photonics ytterbium fiber laser and a FILED 30 IPG Photonics laser head with a removable four-jet coaxial nozzle for surfacing. The powder feeding to the fusion zone was realized by the Sulzer Metco Twin 10C powder feeder.

The powder from the HN50VMTUB brand heat-resistant nickel alloy, produced by the JSC «Composite» and JSC «Experimental Plant «Micron», was employed as the studied material.

While the study conducting, the single rollers were being surfaced on a substrate, which represented a sheet of ordinary grade St3 carbon steel of a 3 mm thickness. The surfacing was being performed with the DMD installation. The samples represented single tracks with the 30 mm length and a width of about 2.6 mm. Two series of experiments were performed herewith. Single rollers were being grown during the first series, while the wall consisted of five layers was being surfaced during the second series.

It can be seen from the measurements results analysis that the deposited material is being melted into the substrate to the average depth of 0.1–0.4 mm. The quenched layer of the 0.3–0.5 mm thickness is being formed in the substrate material owing to the fast heating under the impact of laser radiation and intensive cooling. The best convergence of the set and actual geometric parameters for single rollers, depending on the powder used, is being observed in mode 5, and 6 for fivefold tracks in mode.

The study of micro-hardness on the fivefold tracks revealed that the thermal impact zone had the same micro-hardness as the deposited material. The lowest microhardness occurs for both powders in mode No. 4. The maximum value of micro-hardness for the «Micron» powder is being ensured in mode No. 7, and for the «Composite» powder in mode No. 3.


additive manufacturing, direct laser beam metal deposition, heat-resistant alloy, tracks morphology, micro-hardness


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