Detachable wing part and fuselage mating employing automated bench

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-45-53


Zagorodnii A. E.1*, Mar’in S. B.1**, Lozovsky I. V.2

1. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University (KnASU), 27, Lenin str., Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681013, Russia
2. Komsomolsk-na-Amure State University, 27, Lenina str., Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681013, Russia



Airframe units mating is a vital stage of the aircraft final assem-bly, which should ensure high accuracy of the aircraft external aerodynamic surfaces. As of today, two foreign-made systems of civil aircraft jig-free assembly are being operated in Russia: technological process of detachable wing part and fuselage of the SSJ-100NEW is being realized in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with the BROTJE automated bench, and the German «ThyssenKrupp» production line is being employed for the MC-21 aircraft in Irkutsk. As for domestic equipment, production line for the Il76MD-90A aircraft automated assembly is functioning in Ulianovsk at the «Aviasatar-SP» aircraft building plant.

In the presented article, the authors consider technological process of detachable wing part to the aircraft fuselage mating employing an automated bench. This con-tributes to reduction of the number of personnel in charge of the routine technological operations of material production.

Process automation is being implied as the industrial robotics applica-tion, much as the numerical control machine tools were employed as the production automation tools. With account for the fact that robotics operate on the assumption of the electronic information, managing programs are being written, products electronic models are being developed and processes are being modeled for it. The article gives an account of the method for the product compliance with design documentation validating, and describes the employed rigging necessary for the bench operation and ensuring high accuracy of measurements. The basic structure of the technological process of the wing detachable part mating with fuselage is presented in the form of the table with the basic operations description. The process of the automated bench with measuring bases is described. The authors propose to employ the considered operation principle of the automated bench while creating a mobile version of the mating bench. The article gives an account of the requirements to the mobile bench structure and its basic technical characteristics.

Application of the automated bench mobile version will allow increasing the volume of released production with the possibility of producing various aircraft configurations at the single production site.


aircraft assembly units mating, automotive mating bench, outer wing, fuselage, aerodynamic contours precision, datum point


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