Multi-criteria selection of the unmanned aerial vehicle two-impulse mode of motion

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-54-63


Balyk V. M.*, Borodin I. D.**, Gaidarov D. D., Maikova N. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article deals with the problem of design an aircraft guided missile (AGM) with a solid propellant rocket engine (SPRE), and performs comparative analysis of the of the AGM motion along the trajectory in the multiple activation mode. The authors demonstrate that the engine may be regulated to a certain degree by the thrust cutoff at certain time in-stants. This is being implemented with the specially designed dampers. To realize the passive flight seg-ment, the passive flight segment parameters duration, selected from the flight range maximizing condition, is being introduced to the design parameters vector. Particularly, alongside with the AGM flight range increase, the passive segments inclusion into the flight trajectory may lead to the AGM flight altitude, its opera-tion time and other optimality criteria losses.

In essence, the AGM trajectory consisting of both active (with running engine) and passive (with dead engine) segments is being determined by the AGM motion mode. This mode, alongside with the other design parameters and the SPRE parameters, constitutes the design solution vector, which is being selected by the vector criterion.

The final design solution selection is being performed employing convolution with variable weight coefficients. Substantiation of this application of convolution is being derived from the principle of the complex technical system rational organizing. The gain from the passive segments application herewith is 10% in range on average. The additive principle with optimal weighting coefficients allows selecting design solutions without involving any information hypotheses. In case of the preferences presence of the project designer, correction of the obtained solution is being performed in accordance with this system of preferences.


additive optimality principle, rational organization principles, motion modes, design parameters UAV, vector criterion, weight coefficients


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