Modular structuring principle application for developing various options of the universal space platform layout

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-64-75


Malyh D. A.

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



As of now, space exploration is accompanied by the de-crease in mass and an increase in the number of artificial satellites To create and employ a huge number of satellites, it is necessary to change the principles of development, production and operation of space technology. The article proposes using the modular principle of universal space platforms (USP) building. As applied to the design, it consists in assembling the product from standard multi-functional modules of complete readiness. The modular principle application in the USP design consists in creating a certain standard communication interface, somewhat erector kit, which allows assembling an apparatus for the concrete mission.

As evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of such an approach application, the USP demonstrator layout has been developed, which includes three modules (de-pending on its purpose): a service systems module, a payload module and a reusable upper stage module. The reusable upper stage module is presented in two options for delivering the payload of various masses of 250 kg and of 500 kg. The authors propose four versions of the upper stage demonstrator for different missions: a spacecraft to deliver equipment to a body with a low gravity field, a spacecraft for landing and takeoff from the surface of small planets of the solar system or satellites of small bodies, satellites for LEO and GEO. The article considered an option of electrolytic propulsion unit application as a part of USP demonstrator. The presented design omnitude lies primarily in the possibility for creating options of satellites, and spacecraft at the request of the customer at short notice by employing unified design solutions based on the USP. The module principle application will allow significant reduction in time of the spacecraft development and manufacturing.


universal space platform, electrolysis, modular spacecraft structuring principle, small spacecraft, demonstrator


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