Air intakes parametric analysis method

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-76-90


Vetrov V. V., Chulkov N. S.*, Shilin P. D.**

Tula State University, TulGU, 92, Lenin av., Tula, 300012, Russia



As of now, the interest to the functioning processes studying of the aircraft with ramjet power plants (RPP) has increased, which is being explained by the en-hancing possibilities of such systems operation analysis based the new qualitative tool of numerical mod-eling of complex gas-dynamic processes.

The fulfilled study performed the search of the said configurations based on the approach in the form of comparative analysis of merits and demerits of various structural schemes of the airflow duct of the air intake devices, applied on the certain class of aircraft and in various speed ranges.

The basic methods of the study are the methods for the gas-dynamic processes numerical modelling in the air duct of the air intake unit. The article presents the results of various structural schemes design. Variations of throttle characteristics as well as coefficients of extra aerodynamic drag, introduced by the air intake unit installing, were obtained for the developed schemes with the CFD modeling methods. Based on the energy efficiency analysis of the developed schemes, the most effective air intake units were selected.

The air intake unit operation effectiveness determines at large the RPP energy parameters. Besides the boundary layer, the disturbances caused by the aerodynamic surfaces and angles of attack relate as well to the number of factors capable of reducing the air intake unit gas-dynamic perfection.

It is found that the presence of angles of attack leads to a significant reduction of the air intake unit characteristics. Various degrees of sensitivity to external disturbances and angles of attack were obtained for the considered configurations as well.

The authors analyzed the airfoil and rudders effect on the air intake unit char-acteristics. It was found that vortex formation in the wing trace and shock waves, as well as unsteady perturbations led to the vortex trace forming, turbulized the flow and reduced its energy, affecting the air intake unit operation. As the result, rational position of the wings relative to the air intake unit has been selected.

To eliminate the said drawbacks, a modification of the internal compression air intake design has been proposed. The technical task of the proposed layout scheme consists in ensuring maximum possible throttle performance in the range of angles of attack of the aircraft from 0 to 5 degrees with minimum extra aerodynamic drag.

As the result, a method for the air intake unit functional specifics evalu-ating, which allows priority solutions selecting by their configurations, with account for the aircraft flight specifics and limitations imposed on it, has been created. A theoretical foundation for the SPP implementation on aircraft with specific flight conditions (the dominant energy-passive section of the trajectory) and stringent mass-and-size limitations in the design was created thereby.


unregulated air intake device of external and internal compression, AIU selection method, boundary layer, pressure recovery coefficient, throttle response, numerical simulation, boundary layer drain, ramjet power plant


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