Increasing the efficiency of aircraft centralized fire extinguishing systems

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-98-106


Ageev A. G.*, Galanova A. P.**

Company «Tupolev», 17, nab. Akademika Tupoleva, Moscow, 105005, Russia



With the advent of microelectronics and implementation of microcontrollers in aircraft fire protecting systems, application of automation units based on electronic-digital components instead of relay components is becoming increasingly up-to-date. This allows interacting with aircraft equipment via the code line and perform more effectively the functions of detecting and employing fire alarms in aircraft compartments. Besides, application of digital systems provides new opportunities for creating fire extinguishing system control algorithms and generating signal information logic, which cannot be implemented when arranging blocks with relay components, resulting in a large mass and the need to arrange complexly branched computational circuits for the imple-mentation of algorithmic and computed sequences.

The authors determined that most aircraft employed balloon-type fire extinguishing systems. At the same time, fire extinguishers are being initially divided into sequential fire extinguishing queues consisting of several cylinders, regardless of the compartment in which the fire eventuated.

The purpose of this study consisted in developing a new ap-proach to the fire extinguishing queues selection in terms of creating the most effective conditions for extinguishing a fire in each fire hazardous compartment of an aircraft.

The numerical method was applied to compute hydraulic losses and find the average pressures created at the outlets from the orifices of the spray collectors in the fire hazard-ous compartments of the aircraft.

While further scientific research, a fundamentally new, combinatorial ap-proach to the fire extinguishing queues selection was developed, which allows increasing the fire protection system efficiency in the event of a fire in the aircraft compartments, and meets the latest trends in the development of digital fire-fighting automation systems. An algorithm for the fire extinguishing queues forming has been developed within the framework of the combinatorial approach, which is of adaptive character, where the combination of fire extinguishers can be changed with account for possible leaks in the cylinders.


aircraft fire extinguishing system, fire extinguisher, fire hazardous compartment, hydraulic losses, combinatorial analysis, fire extinguishing queue


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