Developing manufacturability assessing technique of the product structure based on the 3D model of a mechanical engineering product

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-198-207


Podrez N. V.*, Govorkov A. S.**

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia



The purpose of the presented work consists in developing automated technique for the product structure manufacturability (PSM) assessment based on its 3D model. The following hypothesis was put forward for its solving: formalized PSM of the product may be realized employing initial data from the product design documentation (DD) in the form of the product electronic model (PEM). This will allow obtaining the output data in the form of technological recommendations on preproduction recommendations to the production engineer such as tools selection, typical technological process (TTP), as well as providing quantitative and qualitative indicators of the PSM analysis.

Based on the said hypothesis and purpose the following tasks were put for-ward:

  1. Developing concept of the technique for the PSM analysis in the form of the flowchart.
  2. Selecting the part and its definitely significant structural elements (SE).
  3. Performing information formalization necessary for the part manufacturability assessment.
  4. Developing aggregative concept of the PSM analysis technique in the form of the flowchart.

The study consisted in analysis of the conventional methods for the manufacturability assessment, i.e. how this assessment is being realized at the modern industry. In other words, to analyze the technique for analysis performing and reveal its problems. Based on the problem and industry and data digitalization (the product electronic model is a design doc-ument) the concept of the technique for the manufacturability assessment of the machine-building product structure base on its 3D model was put forward.

This result may be implemented at any state-of-the-art machine-building enterprise while preproduction of a new product.

The following inference can be drawn. Traditional method for the PSM as-sessment has become obsolete and does not match the digital industry criteria. Besides, qualified production engineer is required to perform the assessment of the part structure manufacturability. The need for such specialist would be eliminated with the application of the new method for the assessing the structure manufacturability of the part of the machine building production. The said method will significantly re-duce preproduction period of a new product, minimizing human factor, as well as drastically simplify the work of the production engineer at decision-making on either manufacturability or non-manufacturability of the product at the given type of production.


assessment of the manufacturability of the product design, electronic model of the product, production-frame model, qualitative assessment of MPD, quantitative assessment of MPD


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