Methods for basic parts of machines protection from the external climatic factors impact

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-208-216


Kovalev A. A.*, Skakov M. D.**

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



The article regards the problem of external multi-factor impact on the basic parts of machines, particularly the impact of corrosion on the operational and technical characteristics of plunger pumps, and the stages of its solution.

In the aviation area, hydraulic systems, to which exclusive requirements on the structural reliability are being imposed, are susceptible to the greatest corrosion impact. Thus, rational method selection for the basic parts protection of aviation products is the up-to-date task, and requires corresponding technique development. This technique is considered on the example of the protection method selection of the part of the aviation hydraulic plunger pump.

The authors performed the analysis of technical requirements to plunger pumps and revealed dominating factors affecting the basic parts wear, as well as considered the ways of deposition of protecting metal and non-metal coatings. The article presents the developed technique for protective corrosion resistant coatings deposition on the parts of the «Case» type. The said technique implementation was performed on the example of structural and technological criteria assessment on each of proposed coating deposition method for the basic part. By the results of this technique, the method of polymer powder coatings deposition is preferable.

The proposed method is being widely employed in production, in particular, while the aircraft and machine-building products manufacturing. This proves the proposed tech-nique fidelity. For the reason that the group of structural and technological criteria is being considered, the said method can be employed not only for the basic parts of the aviation plunger pumps, but for the variety of other products of aviation industry, including gas turbine engine blades, rotary engine stators and other products of aircraft engineering.


external climatic factors, basic parts, metal corrosion protection methods, corrosion resistance of protective coatings, polymer powder coatings, aviation plunger pump


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