Non-destructive testing of shock and bullet damages to composite structures

Metallurgy and Material Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-227-239


Mitryaikin V. I.1*, Zakirov R. K.2**, Bezzametnov O. N.1***, Nosov D. A.1****, Krotova E. V.1*****

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
2. Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after prof. A.F. Agafonov, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia



The question area of the work tackles with one of the aircraft building state-of-the-art problems, namely shock and bullet damages diagnostics of the structures from polymer compo-site materials for subsequent selection of the technique for their refurbishment. Visible damages on the surface do not give a comprehensive idea of the destruction inside the structure. Instrumental control methods application allows studying both character and sizes of the damage to define the type and scope of the repair job in case of the damage confirmation.

The possibilities of the X-ray computer tomography for the composite struc-tures studying were considered in the course of the work. Both shock and bullet damages were inflicted to the samples for the operative refurbishment technology work-out. Non-destructive control was performed with the X-ray computer tomography (CT) to determine the character and sizes of the damages.

The studies of the internal structure of the samples was being per-formed with various X-ray computer tomographs. The presented work studied the character of bullet damages of the two helicopter composite structures, namely the fragment of the steering rotor blade and a part of the experimental spring of the skid landing gear. A fragment of the helicop-ter rotor blade was subjected to the shock damages.

Computer tomography allowed considering the layer of interest in details, scaling the pattern, and determining the defects sizes and their location in the structure. The sizes of the visually registered dent on the surface were much smaller than the fracture zone inside the sample. The fibers destruction, fibers damage with stratification and stratification without fibers damage are being observed. All these damages alter the structure of the material and increase the porosity in the damage zone, which reduces the mechanical characteristics. The size of the shock damage depends on the characteristics of the material and the impact energy. The inference can be drawn from the shock damages analysis that even low impact energies on a honeycomb structure lead to the dent forming in the skin and a honeycomb filler crumpling with partial destruction. At the higher impact energies the skin bursting and honeycomb filler destruction occurs. The issue of performing non-destructive control of the damaged zones after refurbishment and its quality assessment is an up-to-date one.


impact interaction, composite structures, bullet damages, X-ray computer tomography, helicopter blade, damage monitoring


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