The upper stage project parameters selection while its experimental work-out

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-62-69


Sotskov I. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



At present, upper stages are the main means for implementing a wide range of transport tasks of delivering payloads to various near-Earth orbits, as well as to the planets of the solar system. The «D» upper stage is the basic one in our country. In a number of cases, the two-staged upper stage, incorporating the «D» upper stage (the first stage) and «Frigate» as a second one, is proposed to be employed. The upper stage «Breese» is being employed of late as a part of the «Proton» launch vehicle to solve a number of transport tasks. A new oxygen-hydrogen upper stage is being planned to be developed as well. The fact that upper stages are equipped with liquid propellant rocket engines is associated with their higher thrust impulse compared to the solid propellant rocket motors. However, a very simple design and relatively high reliability make solid propellant rocket engines practically indispensable in solving a number of especially important transport tasks. A solid propellant engine, with which final acceleration up to the speed corresponding to the speed of movement on the final circular orbit, engine may be employed for bringing a spacecraft from a transitional orbit to the final circular one. It should be noted that such launching scheme application allows increasing the launched vehicle mass when employing the same space rocket (compared to the direct placement of a spacecraft into a circular orbit). It determines the said scheme relevance, since the obtained information allows to improving the spacecraft design quality as a whole and increasing the range of target tasks it solves. Computation of the charge geometric parameters is of special importance while the upper stage parameters selection. It is well known that flight tests allow confirming compliance of the design and other characteristics of subsystems with parameters and requirements for the spacecraft developing. Mathematical models are being corrected, the system settings are being refined by the flight tests results, and changes are being introduced in the design if necessary. However, flight test are rather costly experiment, and the number of such experiments is strictly limited. Thus, the more accurate mathematical model and its subsystems are, the less experimental launches will be required in the future.


upper stage design parameters, design parameters calculation, upper stage thrust calculation, rocket unit parameters optimization


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