Rational layout synthesis of the upper stage running on gaseous components

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-70-77


Shapovalov A. V.*, Shcheglov G. A.**

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: shapovalovav@bmstu.ru
**e-mail: georg@energomen.ru


The small upper stage (SUS) is a new type of technology being developed in the world since early 2010s to solve the problem of launch vehicles and payloads disproportionality, as well as provide peripheral launch services. Such spacecraft are launched as a part of a cluster launch, separate from the launch vehicle and, maneuvering independently, form the orbits micro and nano-satellites located on them. The article considers the layout specifics of upper stage running on the gaseous fuel components. The purpose of the article consists in searching for a new layout scheme of reduced size over the longitudinal axis, in which the tanks with the rectilinear axis are employed instead of toroid tanks. The gaseous Oxygen—Methane propellant propulsion system was selected for the SUS and the original «Sphere—Toroid» layout scheme was applied. The spherical tank of 87 liters capacity is being used for methane storage, and toroid tank of 158 liters capacity is for the oxygen storage. The main engine is inside the central orifice of the toroid tank. The possible schemes of the main configuration items, namely high-pressure tanks, placing were analyzed using geometrical model. Mathematical dependences expressed in a system of linear algebraic equations are obtained. The equations show the design parameters range that may be applied to design the new SUS layout scheme. Based on the analysis, both rational design option and the small upper stage layout scheme on its basis are proposed, which employs two pairs of spherical bottom cylindrical tanks. Compared to the original design, the new scheme is reduced by 40% along the longitudinal axis. The 20% reduction of cylinders volume new layout-may be compensated by a fuel pressure increase. The results of the study were applied while the new design-layout scheme of the «BOT» (Bauman Orbital Tractor) SUS development. The activities on the «BOT» SUS development are in full strength according to the ANO «Aeronet Center» technical requirements in the framework of the National Technological Initiative contest since 2020.


small upper stage, solid-state modeling, high-pressure gas tank layout, layout scheme design


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