Mobile technological platform as a technology and toolkit employed under conditions of critically important rapid design and production of small-batch products

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-78-83


Ganin S. V., Dolgov O. S.*, Safoklov B. B.**




The current reality of the relationship between the manufacturer and operator is developing in the direction of ultra-fast response to the needs of the customer or the conditions of use of products, both in the civilian sector and in the military. The mature production structure does not allow such interaction being accomplished effectively. Application of the new model of such system of interaction between the designer, producer and operator «Mobile Technological Platform» is being proposed as a way of this structure changing.

The mobile technological platform (MTP) is a technological process brought out from the large industrial sites (enterprises) and employed under conditions of critically important rapid design and production of small-batch products.

The technologies used in MTP are essentially objects of the Industry 4.0 space artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, additive manufacturing, robotics, cloud storage, augmented reality, etc. Accordingly, this space, representing a digital production environment, forms a toolkit with ultra-fast computational technologies, self-developing and interconnected intellectual interactions in which decisions are made on the basis of self-learning data exchange systems in an automated mode.

The MTP existence is possible only in the space of Industry 4.0 using the appropriate tools and technologies. A space, in which quick product manufacturing according to ever varying requests of customer satisfaction, is possible due to the technology and production methods being used.

A participant in the MTP reality does not necessarily have to possess gigantic industrial resources for development, but must be integrated into a system of indicators determining his belonging to modern production processes through the use of appropriate technologies. If considering the MTP exclusively in the aircraft building industry, the wide geography of various purposes aircraft operation and aftersales servicing system (ASS), including maintenance and repair (M&R) should be accounted for.

More efficient ASS and M&R may be provided by integrating into this MTP system to produce parts locally, timely and in small quantities, needed all of a sudden planned according to changing operating conditions of the product. Thus, deploying rapid production (MTP) next to the operators, it is possible to form a more efficient and at the same time no less reliable supply system compared to the one that exists in various implementations today.

The mobile technology platform is a model of a new system of relations between the designer manufacturer and the operator in industry 4.0. Due to the rapid deployment of production of small—batch products, it will be possible to reduce the volume of warehousing, simplify the inventory management system of parts and components, eliminate long-distance transportation and total time spent on the supply chain, as well as save financial costs for paying for a large the number of specialists accompanying these processes.

The need for the MTP forming is obvious in conditions of competitive requirements of the rapidly changing environment. The place of the MTP existence is the space of Industry 4.0 with its technologies and tools.


mobile technological platform, industry 4.0, technological design, aircraft


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