Development and characteristics studying of the xenon and krypton operating SPD-70M thruster engineering model

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-106-115


Gnizdor R. Y.1, Pyatykh I. N.1*, Kaplin M. A.1**, Rumyantsev А. V.2***

1. Experimental Design Bureau “Fakel”, 181, Moskovsky av, Kaliningrad, 236001, Russia
2. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, IKBFU, 14, A. Nevskogo str., Kaliningrad, 236041, Russia



EDB «Fakel» performs modernization of a SPT-70 type thrusters family, on which basis the TM-70 thrust modules (propulsion units), which were being employed at the «Yamal-100» and «Yamal-200» type spacecraft, and are in use at present at both «KazSat-2» and «EgyptSat» spacecraft.

The results of the research presented in the article were obtained during the EM1 engineering model of the SPT-70M thruster (hereinafter referred to as EM1) testing, which purpose consisted in studying the thrust and specific parameters, the thruster model lifetime characteristics and parameters of the plasma plume. These parameters studies were carried through in the course of the thruster model on Xenon and Krypton testing in the power range from 300 to 1500 W with discharging currents from 1.0 to 4.5 A and a voltage range from 150 to 500 V for various configurations of the discharge chamber channel exit part, which are simulating various lifetimes. These parameters studies were carried through in the course of the thruster model on Xenon and Krypton testing in the power range from 300 to 1500 W with discharging currents from 1.0 to 4.5 A and a voltage range from 150 to 500 V for various configurations of the discharge chamber channel exit part, which are simulating various lifetime durations.

Operation parameters fields of the thruster model, which may be employed while operation points parameters selection when operating both on Xenon and Krypton were determined by the results of the tests. Besides, the results of the EM1 direct and reduced endurance testing in the mode of the discharge power of 900 W (discharge current of 3.0 A) revealed the predictable total thrust impulse with Krypton would be no less than 1.0 MN, and 1.3 MN when operating on Xenon. The results of the tests on plasma plume parameters determining revealed that when operating in the mode with discharge power of 900 W (3.0 A/300 V) the divergence angle of the plasma plume while operation on Xenon was in the ranage from 35° to 37°, while with Krypton it was in the range from 48° to 50°.


electric propulsion, plasma, thruster, xenon, krypton, research, parameters, life tests, direct, reduce


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