A two-phase flow dispersion by the jet nozzle

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-116-121


Lepeshinskii I. A.*, Kucherov N. A.**, Zotikova P. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: igorlepesh@yandex.ru
**e-mail: n.kutcherov@bk.ru
***e-mail: chekmenevapolina024@gmail.com


The issue of liquid dispersion is of necessity in the design of air-jet engine combustion chamber and power plant. The article solved the solution of the two-phase gas-drop flow structure outflow from the cylindrical orifice to determine both velocity and gas consumption coefficients, as well as dispersed jet behavior. In the issues of the two-phase gas-drop flow forming with subsequent liquid phase dispersing (disintegration) in the combustion chamber of the jet-air engine, determining values of the velocity coefficients and phases consumption coefficients simplifies such devices designing for the intended result obtaining.

Preliminary design of spraying devices, such as mixers, injectors and devices involved in mixture formation is necessary when the air-jet engines combustion chambers designing. These devices operate on a two-phase working fluid, where the volume fraction of the gas phase concentration is equal or greater than the liquid concentration. Knowing the values of the velocity coefficients and phase flow rates allows solving the inverse problem. Thus, the purpose of this task consists in developing a technique for determining the velocity coefficients and phase flow rates.

The solution was performed by numerical methods employing the monodisperse heterogeneous model of two-phase flow. The flow of a two-phase flow through a cylindrical orifice of a 2 mm diameter in a jet nozzle with a given geometry was being simulated, where the nozzle length to diameter ratio equaled approximately to one. While simulation, the grid-independent solution was obtained with an error not exceeding 5%, which demonstrates the high degree of the computation accuracy. As the result of simulation, velocity coefficients and phase flow rates were determined. The obtained information on the liquid phase velocity coefficient and flow coefficient allows solving the inverse problem of the two-phase gas-drop flow dispersing as is shown in the additional one dimension computation of parameters. It is worth noting that the velocity coefficients exceed one, which is shown for the first time. Such values of quantities are being explained by physics of the complex interphase interaction. As far as the gas phase velocity at definite values of the initial parameters appears to be much higher than that of a liquid, which leads to extra acceleration, so that the velocity coefficient adopts a value greater than one.

The results obtained in this work may be applied not only in the combustion chambers of the air-jet engines, but in the design of other atomizing devices operating on a two-phase working body of a gas-drop structure as well.


two-phase gas-drop flow, numerical modeling, outflow from an orifice


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