Research and development of gas turbine engine cooled blades by reverse engineering method

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-122-130


Osipov S. K.*, Shevchenko I. V.**, Rogalev N. D.***, Vegera A. N.****, Bryzgunov P. A.*****

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



To ensure the turbine blades operability and the required life cycle the blades cooling is implemented. Cooling channels should ensure intensive and uniform heat takeoff to ensure the necessary temperatures level at minimum hydraulic resistance. Traditionally, the blade leading edge zone and the middle of the blade airfoil zone are being marked out. The article being presented analyses the existing design solutions for both leading edge and the middle of the blade thermal exchange intensifying, defines the prototypes of design solutions for the reverse engineering with account for the existing patents. Cyclone cooling models, ensuring heat takeoff by forming stable vortex structures, were selected for the leading edge. Finned radial channels and vortex matrices were selected for the middle of the blade. Thermal-hydraulic models employing these design solutions were computed by the numerical simulation in a wide range of mode parameters and aspect ratios. Experimental studies were conducted using thermal imaging methods and calorimetry to confirm the obtained results. By the results of numerical studies, the temperature at the leading edge did not exceed 1270K, which confirms the necessary efficiency achieving. At the same time, the validation of the hydraulic model showed a discrepancy between physical and numerical simulations no more than 7%.


reverse engineering of cooled blades of gas turbine engine, cyclone cooling of the leading edge, intensification of heat transfer in the cooled turbine blades, validation of thermal-hydraulic models of cooled turbine blades


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