Numerical study of ammonium perchlorate flame kinetic mechanisms

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-131-138


Shaydullin R. A.*, Sabirzyanov A. N.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The solid propellant propulsion units depends designing entirely on the solid propellant selection. Solid propellant, especially a composite one, is of a complex composition, which includes oxidizer, binding propellant and an extra additives pack. Each component interaction determining and its burning kinetics studying are the first stage of the combustion process description. Thus, for example, the ammonium perchlorate is the most common oxidizer in solid fuel.

A number of N.E. Ermolin and Puduppakkam kinetic mechanisms were defined based on the experimental works of N.E. Ermolin and O.P. Korobeinichev on the composition determining of the stable individual substances of combustion products and the ammonium perchlorate decomposition by the distance from the combustion surface. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism included 79 reactions, while Puduppakkam’s mechanism included 611 reactions and 105 substances.

The presented article considers the ammonium perchlorate combustion kinetic mechanisms, studies the temperature change and concentration of individual substances by the distance from the combustion surface. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism (modified + 1 reaction 2NO = O2 + N2); Puduppakkam’s mechanism.

N.E. Ermolin’s boundary conditions (component composition of the decomposition products of the ammonium perchlorate condensed phase) were applied. Modeling was performed with the ANSYS CHEMKIN software in the one-dimensional PFR (Plug Flow Reactor) formulation.

The reduced mechanism (128 chemical reactions) was obtained based on the Pudupakkam mechanism reduction by the insignificant reactions determining. The results obtained by the less mechanism correspond satisfactory with the most detailed one, which includes reactions of octogen and hexogen combustion besides the ammonium perchlorate combustion. Thus, the mechanism. which may be applied in gas dynamics modeling was obtained.

The article presents the flame temperature profiles and individual stable chemical compounds concentrations at the pressure levels from 0.6 atm to 150 atm. The results obtained for the three mechanisms under study were compared by the end combustion products with the equilibrium calculation. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism determines the list deviation from the equilibrium composition by the combustion products. Pudupakkam mechanism predicts the combustion products temperature much closer to thermodynamics.


ammonium perchlorate, chemical interaction mechanisms of thermal decomposition products, plug flow reactor, modeling, combustion products, flame temperature profile


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