A technique for computing thermal state and radial displacements of the gas turbine engine hull for application as a part of mathematical model of radial clearance control active control system

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-139-147


Samoilenko N. A.1*, Kashin N. N.2**, Samokhvalov N. Y.2***

1. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia
2. "UEC-Aviadvigatel"JSC, 93, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

*e-mail: nikita5am@yandex.ru
**e-mail: kashin-nn@avid.ru
***e-mail: samohvalov@avid.ru


This article considers techniques for the thermal state and radial displacements computing of the GTE turbine hull in the context of their application as a part of the mathematical model of the active clearance control system (ACCS) integrated into the electronic engine controller. The first technique is the of displacements computing based on the direct measurement of the hull temperature with the running engine. This scheme is realized on the CFM56-7B engine. It was revealed by the results of the analysis that it was quite enough to determine deformations of the external turbine hull only, and deformations caused by the pressure difference could be neglected, since were of no more than 3% of the temperature ones. These simplifications are being applied for the analysis of the rest techniques. The result of the hull displacements modeling results at the known temperature at the single point comparison with the results of axisymmetric modeling by the field verified by the temperature determined that the said technique ensures enough accuracy and computing speed. The second technique, namely displacements computing based on the temperature state, determined with the finite element method. Modeling results and technique verification are presented in the opened sources. They demonstrate that the error of the stationary thermal state modeling relative to the experimental data reaches 25% for the ground based gas turbine engine hull. Hence, this error will be much higher at the transient modes of the non-stationary computations. On the assumption of the performed analysis, the second technique does not satisfy the accuracy requirements to be integrated into the engine electronic controller. The third technique was developed by the authors, and based on the turbine hull displacements determining by the heat dissipation, calculated by the time constants dynamic computing. The hull temperature computing is performed by the two parameters, such as predicted stationary temperature and time constant, which are being computed at each time instant of the engine parameters registration in the automatic control system (ACS). Parameters computing is divided into the modes at turned-on and turned-off ACCS , since the time constants computing is based on the intrinsic heat transfer coefficients determining, and substantial heat exchange intensification occurs at the ACCS turning on, since the blow-off type changes from the smooth channel to the jet with the barrier. Stationary temperatures are being computed at the turned-off ACCS by the engine operation modes, while with the turned-on ACCS the air consumption and temperature in the blow-off collector are being accounted for additionally since these parameters are being used directly for the hull thermal state control and, hence, radial clearances. The calculated temperatures are compared with the data on the turbine housing thermometry on a full-size engine from the two test cycles. It is confirmed that this technique reliably reproduces the values and dynamics of temperature changes. Thus, it can be integrated into the ACC mathematical model. On the assumption of the accuracy and quick response, the first and the third of the considered methods can be applied to simulate the hull displacements on a real-time scale, and account for the control parameters of the ACCs, such as temperature and airflow in the blow manifold. Thus, they may be integrated into dynamic ACC, optimizing radial clearances in the turbine at all engine operating modes, and as the result, enhance its efficiency.


turbine stator thermo-mechanical model, radial clearance active control system (RCACS), radial clearances in GTE turbines, GTE turbine thermal state, GTE turbines radial clearances adjustment


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