Hybrid power plants applicability substantiation on various types and purpose aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-148-157


Bondarenko D. A.*, Ravikovich Y. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: dmbondarenko@mail.ru
**e-mail: yurav@mai.ru, yr@mai.ru


The up-to-date aircraft employ generally conventional engines, either piston or gas turbine, which operation efficiency onboard an aircraft has been studied quite well. Further efficiency enhancement of air transportation and aviation application for the new types of works requires implementation of new solutions and technologies, one of which may be a hybrid power plant (HPP).

The number of flights increasing predicted in the world in conjunction with the requirements of the Paris Agreement (2015) stipulates development of such solutions, which will allow significant reduction of hazardous emissions compared to the 2005 level. The aspect of no less significance is the fact that electric power units together with batteries are tenfold heavier, than turbofan engines commensurable by the power. As of today, the best way out of the current situation consists in the HPP application in aviation.

The purpose of the research is studying the HPP impact on the aircraft performance characteristics. Computations for the light class aircraft parameters optimization by the specially designed HPP integration into the aircraft structure were performed. Conditional HPP includes thermal engine, generator, electric motor, battery and for control, telemetry and information display systems. The layouts options of the two light aircraft in basic cases without the HPP and with the integrated on board HPP were studied, and analysis of basic performance characteristics was performed.

The projects of aircraft, such as EAG HERA, Zunum Aero ZA10, Heart Aerospace ES-30 and Faradair BEHA, originally designed with the HPP were studied. Four standard sizes of the aircraft most popular among the companies-operators were studied. The most popular aircraft models of similar passenger capacity were used for the comparison. As long as propeller should be a part for the power plant herewith, only the well-known aircraft with the HPP were employed for the configuration effectiveness comparison of the aircraft with the turboprop engine.

Inferences on the practicability of various standard size aircraft design for searching their weight-and-size parameters and performance characteristics were drawn by the results of the study. The necessity of the new aircraft projects development «from the scratch» for the most complete realization of the HPP potential as a part of the aircraft was substantiated as well.

The HPP components base, namely batteries, electric motors, generators etc., being employed presently, does not possess the parameters, which would ensure substantial supremacy of the aircraft with the HPP compared to the performance characteristics of the aircraft with conventional layout. However, other design aspects, such as hazardous emissions value the aircraft noise level, as well as the flight hour cost of the aircraft with the HPP, which should be less than this of the akin by size conventional regional turboprop aircraft of similar passenger capacity are essential for the aircraft with the HPP development.


hybrid power plant, hybrid engine, distributed propulsion system, urban air mobility, design of aircraft with a hybrid power plant


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