Optimization approach to the platform inertial system alignment under the impact of noise

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-158-168


Naumchenko V. P.*, Ilyushin P. A.**, Pikunov D. G.***, Solovyov A. V.

JSC «TsENKI» – «NII PM», Moscow, Russia

*e-mail: V.Naumchenko@russian.space
**e-mail: P.Ilyushin@russian.space
***e-mail: D.Pikunov@russian.space


The task of putting space rockets (space intended objects)into the target orbit is an extremely responsible add complicated task since exact delivery to the specified orbit with respect to the orbit parameters characteristic for each particular launching is required for the a satellite constellation deploying, or human scientific activities implementing in space onboard a spacecraft.

The perturbing factors impact at the stage of leading out affect adversely the object navigation by the satellite systems since it contributes to the distortion and loss of the navigation satellite signal. Autonomous object leading out has to be performed thereby. As long as this leading out is being performed autonomously by the inertial navigation systems (INS) readings, the total error of leading out would be read-out stipulated by the initial setting accuracy. The coordinates of the object being launched are known herewith with geodetic accuracy, and initial velocities are negligibly small. Thus, the initial error will be formed by the initial orientation error of the inertial measuring unit, including the triad of accelerometers and gyroscopes relative to a certain geographic basis.

The object of research in this work is the algorithm for initial setting of the platform class inertial navigation system for the objects of various classes and applications.

The purpose of the study consists in elaboration of the algorithm for the goniometrical initial setting of the platform inertial navigation system based on application of mathematical programing methods, and noises effect estimation of inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers) on response time and accuracy of the setting.

The authors proposed a fundamentally new approach to the algorithm elaboration for the platform INS initial setting to reduce its response time and enhance its accuracy. Simulation modeling of the proposed algorithm, as well estimation and analysis of the noises effect on its efficiency were performed.


gyro platform initial alignment, typical noise of inertial sensors, Allan variance, noise spectrum, initial alignment optimization algorithm


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