Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-188-195
*, **, ***, ****Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia
*e-mail: s.grigoriev@stankin.ru
**e-mail: m.volosova@stankin.ru
***e-mail: migmars@mail.ru
****e-mail: gusev.angrey@bk.ru
The article presents the results of tribology properties experimental studies, particularly the dependence of wear over the back surface of the cutting edge on the cutting path length and the miller durability period for various coatings. Full-scale tests of innovative composite nanostructured wear-resistant coatings were being performed at high-speed milling of the VT3-1 and VT6 titanium alloys widely employed in the parts and units of the state-oof-the-art gas-turbine engines (GTE) and rocket-space technology. The coated millers wear was being measured with the «Carl Zeiss Stereo Discovery V12» stationary motorized stereo microscope with telecommunication capability and 3 mp «Zeiss Axiocam 503 Color» video camera based visualization system. A series of experiments on studying contact processes while milling, such as temperature and cutting force components were conducted with modern equipment and facilities. While the electro-physical parameters control and registration, accompanying blade machining process, the natural thermocouples method with mercury current collector application and PC recording was employed for the cutting temperature determining. The temperature tests results while milling by wear resistant coatings revealed the average 20% reduction in cutting temperature with the «nACRo3+TiB2» coating compared to the others, and the VT3-1 machining was less heat intensive compared to the VT6 one. The cutting forces components were being determined with the «Kisler» dynamometer complex consisted of the 9253B23 model three-component dynamometer, amplifier with ADC and a PC. The cutting edge force loading of the miller with the «nACRo3+TiB2» coating has lower value compared to the others and is 25-30%. The results of the conducted studies revealed effectiveness increase of the titanium alloys high-speed milling by application of the state-of-the-art nano-structured wear resistant more than twofold. Express-evaluation of the machined surface quality indices, such as roughness and hardening, was being extra conducted while these tests. The results of the performed express-evaluations revealed the required machined surface quality indices improvement, which is important while the GTE structural elements such as flanges, disks, compressor rotor shafts etc. blade cutting machining.
During these tests, express-evaluation of the quality indicators of the machined surface (roughness and naklep of the machined surface) was additionally carried out. The results of the express-evaluations showed the improvement of the required quality indicators of the machined surface, which is important for blade cutting machining of structural elements of GTE parts (flanges, disks, compressor rotor shafts, etc.).
wear-resistant coatings, double and triple nitrides, adhesiomer, temperature-force cutting conditions, thermo-EMF, mercury current collector, cutting force components, cutting tool wear resistanceReferences
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