Studying the VT16 titanium alloy microstructure forming while compressor impeller manufacturing of the small-sized gas turbine engine by additive technologies methods

Metallurgy and Material Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-2-196-203


Dmitrieva M. O.*, Mel’nikov A. A.**, Nosova E. A.***, Kyarimov R. R.****, Krzhevitskii G. E.*****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



Selective Laser Melting (SLM) represents an additive manufacturing technology meant for metal powders alloyage by a high-power laser. Powder materials application ensures more uniform chemical composition over the product section and the absence of zonal segregation. Titanium alloy powders application for selective laser alloyage is a prospective trend in additive manufacturing.

The possibility of the parts production with configuration of any complexity, simultaneous growth of several samples, high material utilization coefficient and products prototyping simplification are among the SLM technology benefits. The presence of residual porosity in the part being manufactured, limitation of materials being used and laser radiation sources, as well as the size of the products being manufactured are related to the said technology drawbacks.

The purpose of the article consists in studying the Ti6Al4V alloy microstructure forming while manufacturing the gas turbine engine compressor impeller by the selective laser alloyage method.

The samples for studying were fabricated with the installation for the SLM 280 HL metal powder selective laser alloyage installation. They were synthesized both horizontally and vertically relative to the building-up platform. The microstructure studying after etching was performed with the METAM LV-31 metallographic microscope. Electron-microscopic analysis of the samples and original powder substance was conducted with the TESCAN Vega SB scanning electron microscope. Chemical composition of the original powder material was determined with the INCAx-Act Energy Dispesive Spectrology (EDS) device. EDS analysis revealed that the original titanium alloy powder chemical composition corresponds to the standard with an excess of aluminum and silicon content. The electron-microscopic analysis results revealed the spherical shape of the powder particles peculiar to the method of obtaining the dispersed molten. Metallographic analysis of demonstrated that after the SLM the samples had a microstructure of the α-phase plates, and the β-phase was not noticed. The electron microscopic analysis of samples fractures after the tensile testing revealed the mixed character of the fracture mechanism. The non-uniform fracture contains the sections corresponding to various stages of destruction.

The ultimate strength of the samples after the SEA is 1117 MPa. It is more than for the material obtained by stamping. Relative elongation of the vertical sample is 3.08 percent. Relative elongation of the horizontal sample is 6.11 percent, which is less than for the stamped one.


wear-resistant coatings, double and triple nitrides, adhesiomer, temperature-force cutting conditions, thermo-EMF, mercury current collector, cutting force components, cutting tool wear resistance


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