Experimental complex of supersonic wind tunnels for aerophysical tests

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Abashev V. M.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: abashevVM@mai.ru


The article describes the “Experimental complex of supersonic wind tunnels for aero-physical tests”, which is operated in the MAI. It is intended for educational process, as well as research and development works. Both external and internal aerodynamic blowdowns are being performed with it. The complex includes two supersonic wind tunnels with interconnected systems: pneumatic system, exhaust vacuum system, as well asmeasuring and control systems. Aero-physical tests are being conducted for the models of a 30-300 mm diameter and a 0.35-1.5 m length. The duration of the experiment is 0.2-3.0 s. The airflow velocity is supersonic, ensuring the tests for modern operation conditions of atmospheric aircraft. The air consumption is up to 5.0-150.0 kg/s at the temperature up to 720-750 K.

The wind tunnels are of the same structural scheme and differ only in sizes. The principle of “sequential experiment” is being realized. Two series of aero-physical tests are being performed after preliminary numerical thermo- gas-dynamic study. At first, the required number of low-cost approximate tests on a small-size autonomous wind tunnel is conducted. The adjustment of equipment, rigging, various systems and measurements necessary for the main tube functioning is performed. Preliminary test results of the small-size model are being obtained. Further, a small number of full-size model tests are conducted in the main wind tunnel.

The tests specificity consists in their high economy and low cost due to the short time of the experiment and availability of the autonomous pressure systems.

The article describes the sensor, measuring static pressures of the supersonic flow in the inner duct of the experimental model. Small orifices serve as sensing elements, operating as stress concentrators. The stresses are being measured with polarizing-optical method of photoelasticity. Polarizing-optical installations intended for visualization and fixation of the principal stress difference bands pattern in the experimental model are presented. The stresses determining accuracy is 1-3%.

Static pressures are being determined by measured principal stress difference near the orifices.


experimental complex, supersonic wind tunnel, polarizing-optical installatioin, photoelasticity method, main stress difference band, photoelastic static pressure sensor, internal model duct


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