Multi-criteria selection of unmanned aerial vehicle rational layout characteristics at multi-impulse mode of motion

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Balyk V. M.*, Gaidarov D. D., Sotskov I. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers the problem of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a solid propellant rocket engine designing. One of the ways for the UAVs efficiency enhancing consists in qualitative improving of the design choices being made. The issues of the design links restoring between the project parameters and the UAV functioning conditions are of special meaningfulness while the UAV modeling. These design links are being restored from the samplings obtained by the UAV mathematical model probing. The project links are being constructed in the class of harmonic polynomials by the static regularity criterion, which optimization is being performed by the original method of the global extremum seeking. Mass, flight performance, economic and operational indicators as well as other criterion characteristics may be accepted as a goal function. The article being presented assumes the UAV flight range as an optimality criterion. The UAV efficiency increasing is associated with highly accurate small-sized and moving targets hitting, which leads to the necessity of the UAVs power plants further improving. The UAV efficiency, like any other aerial vehicle type, is a complex indicator, determining the UAV flight range. The highest augment in the UAV flight range may be reached through the solid-fuel rocket-ramjet engines application (SFRRE). Such engines improvement is being accomplished by way of working process and power plant structure, as well as specific-mass and energy properties of solid fuels selection. The supersonic air intake device makes significant contribution to the working process quality. In this regard, the air compressing process efficiency in the air intake is of significant importance.

Parameters selection of the power plant with the SFRRE as well as the UAV parameters, ensuring the maximum flight range of the rocket with a fixed launch weight and specified fuel margin was performed. The fuel-flow rate at the cruising section as well as inlet ant outlet cross-sections areas of the air intake are assumed as variable parameters. Optimal selection of the inlet and outlet cross-sections area of the air intake and fuel consumption allowed increasing the UAV flight range by 5.842% for the 1000 m flight altitude, and by 12.283% for the flight altitude of 10000 m.


unmanned aerial vehicle, flight range, flight time, ramjet engine, air intake, aerodynamic coefficients, harmonic polynomials, statistical sampling


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