Aspects of semipregs impregnation in aircraft parts production

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Fedyaev V. L.1*, Khaliulin V. I.2**, Sidorov I. N.2***, Gimadiev R. S.3****

1. Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” , Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
2. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
3. Kazan State Power-Engineering University, KSPEU, 51, Krasnoselskaja str., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420059, Russia



The authors consider the issues of obtaining composite materials, widely applied in aircraft building, by the vacuum molding method. Special attention is paid to the stage of semi-preg stack impregnation by the polymer binding material melt. The processes of filtration impregnation and capillary impregnation are being distinguished while its realization process. On the assumption that the semi-preg stack is being horizontally set, mathematical modeling of the reinforcing fabric filler filtration impregnation under the impact of pressure difference in the vertical direction and gravity with account for the filler carcass damping is being performed. Provided that the reinforcement material does not swell or shrink, and discontinuity deficiency, the super capillary pores filling by the binding melt is quite rapid, and the upper, intermediate and lower semi-pregs are being distinguished. It is assumed in its turn that while the binding melt flowing in the vapor space of the filler it represents an uncompressing viscous uniform liquid, which viscosity and density do not change while the filtration process, and the melt flow is laminar and isothermal. As the result of the generalized Darcy filtration law integrating, an expression for the filtration speed of the melt in the filler layer and its full impregnation time were obtained. The article demonstrates that the time of the filtration impregnation can be reduced, and the productivity at this stage of production can be correspondingly increased. It can be achieved in the first place by the pressure drop increasing at the filler layer thickness, additional loading action on the semi-pregs stack surface and the melt viscosity reduction due to both temperature and density increase, as well as super-capillary porosity enhancing of the filler. The set regularities represent the possibility of rational technological modes selection for woven composite materials obtaining by the vacuum molding method.


woven composite materials, vacuum forming method, semi-pregs, polymer binder melt, mathematical modeling of filtration impregnation


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