Total pressure non-uniformity impact at the engine inlet on its basic parameters at various laws of regulation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Lanshin A. I.*, Khoreva E. A.**, Ezrokhi Y. A.***

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Non-uniform airflow enters due to various reasons the engine inlet under flight conditions while flowing around the engine nacelle of the power plant with the bypass gas turbine engine. The said non-uniformity presence affects negatively its key parameters such as engine thrust, specific fuel consumption and gas-dynamic stability margin of compression elements (fans and compressor stages), and, as a consequence, the engine stability at large. Two parameters, which estimate the total pressure field non-uniformity at the engine inlet, were considered. The first one is the generally accepted parameter W (stationary component, which estimates the difference between the minimum pressure at the inlet plane and its average value). The second one is the criterion parameter ER, which estimates not only maximum and minimum pressure values, but relative sizes of zones with different total pressure value as well.

A bypass two-shaft turbojet engine with the design parameters level corresponding to the fourth generation was selected as the object of study. The calculated esteem of the inlet flow non-uniformity effect on the engine thrust- cost performance was performed with 1D mathematical model employing the well-known method of parallel compressors at the three characteristic flight modes, such as takeoff, climbing and cruise supersonic mode with various engine control laws. Rotation frequency sustenance of both engine rotors n1 and n2, as well as sustaining gas temperature Tt* at the turbine outlet were considered as such laws.

The study of the total pressure non-uniformity at the engine inlet effect on its basic parameters at various control laws revealed that the less effect on the thrust-cost characteristics the non-uniform airflow exerts at the gas temperature sustaining behind the low pressure turbine. The maximal effect of the non-uniform total pressure on the thrust and specific fuel consumption was revealed while realizing the program of high-pressure shaft rotation frequency n2 control. The share of the extra losses in the compressing elements due to the thrust reduction increases with the flight speed increasing and climbing and may reach up to 20%.


total pressure non-uniformity at the engine inlet, circumferential non-uniformity, radial non- uniformity, method of parallel compressors, decrease of turbofan thrust reduction, laws of engine regulation


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