Experimental study of heat transfer in slotted channels of gas turbine engines cooled blades with modified pin heat transfer intensifiers

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Shevchenko I. V.*, Rogalev A. N.**, Rogalev N. D.***, Komarov I. I.****, Bryzgunov P. A.*****

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia

*e-mail: ShevchenkoIV@mpei.ru
**e-mail: RogalevAN@mpei.ru
***e-mail: RogalevND@mpei.ru
****e-mail: KomarovII@mpei.ru
*****e-mail: BryzgunovPA@mpei.ru


At present, temperatures at the inlet to the turbines of gas turbine engines reach 1500-1900°C, which exceeds the melting point of the materials from which the turbine blades are made. Despite the fact that for the most heat- stressed blades of gas turbine engines, the main cooling is achieved through the film cooling systems, convective part is present there as well, which removes a significant amount of heat. With this regard the issues of developing a convective part of cooled turbine blades, as well as the heat transfer intensification inside the blades are up-to-date. Intensifiers in the form of several rows of pins are traditionally widely used in the cooling channels of the blades located in the middle part and the rear of the airfoil. Generally, a staggered arrangement of pins relative to the direction of the cooling air flow is employed. However, a change in the direction of the airflow along the height of the feather may lead to the pins flow-around at different angles, including a flow corresponding to their in-line arrangement, which may significantly reduce heat transfer.

For the purpose of further heat transfer intensification in the blade cooling channels, this authors propose application of the pins installed in holes, as well as pins installed in transverse grooves. These modified pin intensifiers allow substantial heat removal intensifying at trifling hydraulic resistance increase, as well as reducing the shadow stagnant zone behind the pins, where heat transfer decreases, due to extra vortex formation in the cavity zone.

The article presents the results of a study of several design solutions for heat transfer intensification: pin intensifiers, pin-hole intensifiers and pin intensifiers located in the transverse grooves. The method of calorimetry in a liquid metal thermostat, consisting in the thickness measuring of zinc crusts formed while thermohydraulic cooling of the studied channels models and the heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers determining by them, was employed to study heat transfer characteristics in the channels.

A basic channel with pins without recesses was selected as a channel for comparison with the results described in the literature. The experimental data obtained while the basic channel studying revealed a high degree of agreement with the Metzger data, the average deviation was less than 10%.

The experimental studies results of modified cooling channels with pins revealed that cooling channels with pins in the transversal grooves display maximum throughout among the channels being considered due to the minimum flow passage area increase. The average by length Nusselt numbers for the given channel herewith are 36% more compared to the basic channel with pins, and 22% more compared to the channel with pins placed in round dimples.


heat transfer intensification in gas turbine engine blades, pin- heat transfer intensifiers, pin heat transfer intensifiers, calorimetry method in a liquid metal thermostat


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